Got my first coticule from thesuperiorshave in today!
I love straight shaving. I love the whole process, the stropping, honing, everything. But I actually quit straight shaving b/c I couldn't get a close shave. I could get an OK shave with very little irritation but it wasn't even close to being BBS. Not that that means everything, but I can get BBS or real close to it almost every shave with my DEs and SEs. I had been using a Chinese 12k to do my touchups on. I read a couple of threads on B&B where some people who had been shaving with a straight longer than me said they didn't like the edge off of a C12k. So just for the hell of it I sent one of my straights out for two reasons: to check the edge on one of my straights that I had touched up several times to make sure my honing stroke was ok, and just to see what a different finish would feel like. Both of my straights had been pro-honed, but that was back when I first started and my technique was bad so I didn't have anything to go by except for my C12k edges, and a barber hone that I used once and hated. The honer said the edge looked fine under magnification. I requested that it be honed on a coticule.
I got the straight back the other day and got 3 of the best shaves I have ever gotten with a straight razor. They matched my DE and SE shaves. I went ahead then and ordered me a coticule after researching for a day or two. Just to eliminate any variables I did a fresh touchup on my other straight with my C12k and shaved with it. I shaved with it and got the same crappy shave I used to get.
Anyway, sorry for the book. I have a crappy cell phone picture, my charger for my camera is in my wife's car so the camera is out for now.
I love straight shaving. I love the whole process, the stropping, honing, everything. But I actually quit straight shaving b/c I couldn't get a close shave. I could get an OK shave with very little irritation but it wasn't even close to being BBS. Not that that means everything, but I can get BBS or real close to it almost every shave with my DEs and SEs. I had been using a Chinese 12k to do my touchups on. I read a couple of threads on B&B where some people who had been shaving with a straight longer than me said they didn't like the edge off of a C12k. So just for the hell of it I sent one of my straights out for two reasons: to check the edge on one of my straights that I had touched up several times to make sure my honing stroke was ok, and just to see what a different finish would feel like. Both of my straights had been pro-honed, but that was back when I first started and my technique was bad so I didn't have anything to go by except for my C12k edges, and a barber hone that I used once and hated. The honer said the edge looked fine under magnification. I requested that it be honed on a coticule.
I got the straight back the other day and got 3 of the best shaves I have ever gotten with a straight razor. They matched my DE and SE shaves. I went ahead then and ordered me a coticule after researching for a day or two. Just to eliminate any variables I did a fresh touchup on my other straight with my C12k and shaved with it. I shaved with it and got the same crappy shave I used to get.
Anyway, sorry for the book. I have a crappy cell phone picture, my charger for my camera is in my wife's car so the camera is out for now.