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Hugo köller


Well-Known Member
unfortunately I only have 1 of these. razor fits well in the hand and is reasonable in weight for a 6/8, I have to weigh the exact weight, but I think it is around 125 grams. Like I said, it's a pity that I only have 1, I would like a 7 day set of them;) They knew how to make them in Solingen.
Nice one, I have weighted all my razors and have found out That my favorites are often 60 grams or above. There are not many razors out there with a weight of more than 100 grams. Looking at your picture I would say yours is about 65 grams.
Nice one, I have weighted all my razors and have found out That my favorites are often 60 grams or above. There are not many razors out there with a weight of more than 100 grams. Looking at your picture I would say yours is about 65 grams.

no .. I started to doubt that I cannot estimate the weight ?. And I put the razor on the letter scale. exact weight is 106 grams. Yehh I'm not crazy ;)
I don’t think that anyone thinks you are crazy. well that is a very heavy specimen, the only razor I have that’s above the 100 grams is a huge George Britain.