I will here try to expose my traditional honing as has been broadcasted to me
from my father on always coticule hones.Bofore ,i would like to justify my self why i prefer coticules.1} Is naturals (not chemical in the binder) 2) Non porus stones (never keeps steel or dirty) 3} existing in different shapes,sizes,cosmetics colors and also in different honing sense for any taste.4) Are usualy in pale colors allowing to monitor the slurry darkness and finaly is a thing that exists to the earth subsoil million years ago as beautifull amber .
At issue. I start with a non thick slurry controllng and adding water to be a slihgt homogeneous milky slurry. Dont forget that during honing on the slurry ,the stone releases additional slurry so not allowed to be thicker than the starting thickness. I hold the razor from the shank with my prevalent hand letting the stone loose in the left palm. I place the blade on the hone performing circular ,I would say elliptical moves clockwise through the hone length pushing the slurry from the left side to right side keeping always the edge front, moving the blades in same time from heel to the point (estimate 20 elliptical moves).Then I proceed with two X strokes to the same blades side like the bow on the violin strings. Twisting the blade in the same way but this time unclockwise diluting and keeping the slurry always same or a little bit thinner than the previus stage .Always I finish the every side honing with two X strokes. Honing the point must be do it,arriving until the hone centerline. For the heel as close as possible Once I feel the edge is sharp I continue with 50 ,60 X strokes on water. If everything is well ,according Barts scale clearly I have a HHT #3-4.
I don’t place my finger on the blade ,but I tried and I had the same result .Thats my little method .I would like the experienced to try it and especially Bart. With the Bart dilucot method I succeed the same good result the unique different is that with the mine I am faster and I believe that happens because of many years I repeat it.
Best regards
I will here try to expose my traditional honing as has been broadcasted to me
from my father on always coticule hones.Bofore ,i would like to justify my self why i prefer coticules.1} Is naturals (not chemical in the binder) 2) Non porus stones (never keeps steel or dirty) 3} existing in different shapes,sizes,cosmetics colors and also in different honing sense for any taste.4) Are usualy in pale colors allowing to monitor the slurry darkness and finaly is a thing that exists to the earth subsoil million years ago as beautifull amber .
At issue. I start with a non thick slurry controllng and adding water to be a slihgt homogeneous milky slurry. Dont forget that during honing on the slurry ,the stone releases additional slurry so not allowed to be thicker than the starting thickness. I hold the razor from the shank with my prevalent hand letting the stone loose in the left palm. I place the blade on the hone performing circular ,I would say elliptical moves clockwise through the hone length pushing the slurry from the left side to right side keeping always the edge front, moving the blades in same time from heel to the point (estimate 20 elliptical moves).Then I proceed with two X strokes to the same blades side like the bow on the violin strings. Twisting the blade in the same way but this time unclockwise diluting and keeping the slurry always same or a little bit thinner than the previus stage .Always I finish the every side honing with two X strokes. Honing the point must be do it,arriving until the hone centerline. For the heel as close as possible Once I feel the edge is sharp I continue with 50 ,60 X strokes on water. If everything is well ,according Barts scale clearly I have a HHT #3-4.
I don’t place my finger on the blade ,but I tried and I had the same result .Thats my little method .I would like the experienced to try it and especially Bart. With the Bart dilucot method I succeed the same good result the unique different is that with the mine I am faster and I believe that happens because of many years I repeat it.
Best regards