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New member and request for help!!


Hello everybody, here comes a new Italian member with lots of thanks for mantaining this forum and for all the useful information.

Just a simple rookie question: I finally bought a coticule (also inspired by this website!!!) and a BBW and have also bought a razor from e-bay to learn how to use the coticule. The razor should be new (it says never used) but not shave-ready. What should I do as a first intervention to make it shave-ready? Full honing following tutorials and videos?

Plase do not save on details, I'm really new to honing!!!

I would say if it's a descent razor just go through unicot this will be sufficient unless the edge is damaged then you should set a bevel on a coarser stone first

kind regards
thanks both for the information, I will try the unicot as soon as I receive the razor

alt, this is not my first straight, I just want to learn ho to hone with stones!! (I've got some shave-ready razor previously, so I kind of have a benchmark!)
Last week, I was contacted by Chimensch, one of our members who lives in Italy. He's not a native Italian speaker, but masters the language perfectly. He contributed a translation of the Unicot article, that he made to help out a friend, and most kindly wanted to share with us. I have been working to get the article in PDF format, lay-outed in the style of the house, and make it available for download.

There are still a couple of captions to translate and a few typo's to fix, before I can publish it in the Sharpening Academy, but here's the preliminary version.

Welcome to

Kind regards,
Bart, thanks a lot for this. I'm more than happy to do some language check on this preliminary version and send it back to you!
Hi Bart, I've done some checks here and there, this is a preliminary draft attached. Unfortunately I'm not a big expert so some of the most technical terms may be slightly badly translated. One idea would be to post it on the Italian Straight Razor forum where there are some real experts who can really polish this version and take it to the final level!! Ciao!