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November 17 - November 23


Well-Known Member

Lather Catcher Sunday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Old Spice Original Shave Cream
Jayaruh #454
1902 Kampfe Brothers/Star
Star Wedge
Cold Water Rinse
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Old Spice Cologne

Sunday Shave
RAZOR: Henson Copper AL13++ Beech Wood
BLADE: Gillette‌ Nacet
BRUSH: AP Shave Co Lemon Drop Handle 26mm Gelousy SHD
LATHER: Truefitt & Hill Apsley Luxury Shaving Soap
POST: Fine Italian Citrus Classic Aftershave Splash
Razor The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor Syntesi
Blade: DM
Soap: The Goodfellas’ smile Gengi Cotton
Brush: Razorock Plisoft 400 brush
Aftershave: The real De Vergulde Hand Alum with blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Original aftershave balm
Aftershave: L’Occitane Cade aftershave balm
Razor The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor Syntesi
Blade: DM
Soap: The Goodfellas’ smile Gengi Cotton
Brush: Razorock Plisoft 400 brush
Aftershave: The real De Vergulde Hand Alum with blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Original aftershave balm
Aftershave: L’Occitane Cade aftershave balm

Menthol Monday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Eskimo Tuxedo Shave Soap
Jayaruh #437
Gillette OC Frankenrazor
Personna Super (82)
Cold Water Rinse
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Mennen After Shave

I am using my Gillette Frankenrazor this week. The head is an Old Type and the handle is from a Fat Handle Tech.

The Eskimo Tuxedo Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #437 Silvertip Badger brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gillette OC Frankenrazor and the Personna Super (82) Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Mennen After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

Tuesday Shave
RAZOR: Paradigm Shaveware Salient Walnut
BLADE: Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless Green
BRUSH: Oumo Pandora Green Resin 28mm SHD Badger
LATHER: Penhaligon's London Blenheim Bouquet (vintage)
POST: Pitralon Classic Aftershave (Germany)
Razor The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor Syntesi
Blade: DM
Soap: The Goodfellas’ smile Gengi Cotton
Brush: Razorock Plisoft 400 brush
Aftershave: The real De Vergulde Hand Alum with blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Original aftershave balm
Aftershave: L’Occitane Cade aftershave balm
Friedrich Herder & Son 76 15/16 Full Hollow
Grooming Dept Unscented Preshave
Soap Commander Vision Shave Soap
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Soap Commander Vision Splash
Soap Commander Vision Balm
Semogue SOC Two Band Badger Brush

Tabac Tuesday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Tabac Shave Soap
Jayaruh #437
Gillette OC Frankenrazor
Personna Super (83)
Cold Water Rinse
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Tabac After Shave

The Tabac Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #437 Silvertip Badger brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gillette OC Frankenrazor and the Personna Super (83) Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Tabac After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
Razor The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor Syntesi
Blade: DM
Soap: The Goodfellas’ smile Gengi Cotton
Brush: Razorock Plisoft 400 brush
Aftershave: The real De Vergulde Hand Alum with blue feet
Aftershave: Nivea Men Original aftershave balm
Aftershave: L’Occitane Cade aftershave balm

Wednesday Shave
RAZOR: Haircut & Shave Co. Ti Efficient Elite Ringneck Pheasant
BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: Elite Razor Brown/Gold Resin 26mm Manchurian White
LATHER: Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌No.‌ ‌63‌ ‌shave‌ ‌soap‌
POST: LEA Classic After Shave Lotion