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September 1 - September 7

Stirling 26/54,
Stirling Gin Tonic on the Rocks,
Tedalus Velocity One,
Feather (3),
Stirling Gin Tonic on the Rocks aftershave splash,
Aloë Vera-gel.


Williams Wednesday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Williams Mug Soap
Jayaruh #455
Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip
Personna PTFE SE Blade
Cold Water Rinse
Lustray Spice After Shave

The Williams Mug Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #455 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip Razor and the Personna PTFE SE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Lustray Spice After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

Thursday Shave
RAZOR:Shave Nation CHROMAX Closed Comb Safety Razor
BLADE: Gillette‌ Nacet
BRUSH: Rudy Vey Butterscotch Beehive 20mm Silvertip Badger
LATHER: CBL Fusion X Dragon’s Blood Limited Edition Bamboo Bowl
POST: CBL Dragon’s Blood Shave Tonic

Thursday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
b-pure Shave Soap
Jayaruh #455
Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip
Personna PTFE SE Blade
Cold Water Rinse
Lustray Spice After Shave

The b-pure Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #455 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip Razor and the Personna PTFE SE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Lustray Spice After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
FAT Friday


RAZOR: RR Lupo 72 Elite Razor Razor Fire & Ice Resin Handle
BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: Elite Razor Fire & Ice 24mm Manchurian White
LATHER: LATHER: Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap
POST: Floid Suave Aftershave Splash

Friday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
b-pure Shave Soap
Jayaruh #455
Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip
Personna PTFE SE Blade
Cold Water Rinse
Lustray Spice After Shave

The b-pure Shave Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #455 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip Razor and the Personna PTFE SE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Lustray Spice After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...