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Well-Known Member
I used the search feature, but I didn't see this question answered.

When using the dilucot method, do you guys use tape throughout the whole process or no tape throughout?

I have been using the unicot method with good results, and I don't plan to change just yet. I just wanted to satisfy my curiosity.

It doesn't matter.

But I generally use no tape.
Unless I really want to alter the bevel angle:
-On many wedges, after some calculations (see the article in the Sharpening Academy)
-On many Thiers Issard razors, because their inherent brittleness benefits from it.
-During the final steps of the Unicot method to cut the secondary bevel.

I sometimes protect a gold-washed spine with a layer of tape.
For me it depends on the blade, sometimes I need tape to get the correct 16 degree angle on the bevel, other times I want to protect the spine, the main difference is that with dilocut the number of layers of tape is the same throughout the process.
Hope this helps buddy and give the dilocut a go, its a great way to "Hone" your and the worst that can happen is you are unhappy with the edge, so you can add a layer of tape and go to unicot :thumbup:
Thanks guys,

I've found in my honing on synthetics that I preferred the edge from honing without tape, but I was quite please with the unicot edge as well...