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old type

  1. R

    Gillette Bulldog Razor Old Type 1921 Refurbished RePlated 24 Karat Gold Z-23

    SOTD 1/31/23 Richards Razors We Are Selling Price $325.00 We Now Use 'Global Shipping' for International Orders It Is Much Less Expensive Than USPS! Gillette Bulldog Razor Old Type 1921 Refurbished RePlated 24 Karat Gold Z-23 … Video...
  2. R

    Gillette 1919 Old Type Razor Three-Piece Refurbished Replated Silver 7–X

    Richards Razors We Are Selling Price $125.00 We Now Use 'Global Shipping' for International Orders It Is Much Less Expensive Than USPS! SOTD 3/20/22 … Video … (47 More pics) Please Be Sure to Look Carefully at All the Pictures Also...
  3. R

    Gillette 1916 Standard Old Type Razor Replated Platinum D514303

    Richards Razors We Are Selling Price $98.00 SOTD 10/1/21 Gillette 1916 Standard Old Type Razor Replated Platinum D514303 … Video (87 More pics) Please Be Sure to Look Closely at All the Pictures Also Be Sure to Look at the Pictures...
  4. R

    Gillette 1921 Old Type Razor Three-Piece Original Silver Plating Worldwide Shipping

    Richards Razors We Are Selling Price $75.00 SOTD 9/23/21 Regardless of What My Exclusions Say concerning Shipping, We Ship Worldwide! Gillette 1921 Old Type Razor Three-Piece Original Silver Plating Worldwide Shipping … Video ... (35...
  5. R

    Gillette 1905 Old Type Silver SINGLE RING Razor Without The Gillette Logo

    Richards Razors We Are Selling Price $175.00 SOTD 4/10/21 Gillette 1905 Old Type Silver SINGLE RING Razor Without The Gillette Logo … Video … More Pictures Please be sure to see the pictures that are posted on YouTube and WordPress...