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Buffalo Bill saftey razor


Active Member
The Buffalo Bill razor has no indication of a manufacturer, no patent or DRGM number. However, Buffalo Bill is pictured on the tins. This picture with the name is a trademark from 1906 and gives all further information about the manufacturer. This was the cheapest patent protection. Middeldorf sold with the tin different safety razor. So far I know a Buffalo Bill No, No 180, No 175 , No135 and more?


Trademark is for all kind of off knives, forkes, safety razors, and tools for many craft professions
Hi Charlie, great to meet you here on SU, yes, that's the can, I don't have a better picture. The interesting thing about the Buffalo Bill razor is that you won't find any reference to the manufacturer, patent, etc. on the can or the device, and the only way to get further is by using the trademark and thus identifying the manufacturer and date of manufacture. This is an example for a trademark registration only.

I do have a copy of a Middeldorff add showing the Buffalo Bill straight and safety razor and the Dreibund safety razor

Hi Charlie, great to meet you here on SU, yes, that's the can, I don't have a better picture. The interesting thing about the Buffalo Bill razor is that you won't find any reference to the manufacturer, patent, etc. on the can or the device, and the only way to get further is by using the trademark and thus identifying the manufacturer and date of manufacture. This is an example for a trademark registration only.

I do have a copy of a Middeldorff add showing the Buffalo Bill straight and safety razor and the Dreibund safety razor

View attachment 39625
Who is Charlie?
Who is Charlie?
Charlie is the gentleman who bought the Buffalo Bill tin with the safety razor from me. And you uploaded pictures
of exactly the same tin with the safety razor. I assumed that you bought the Buffalo Bill from me. I took a closer look
at the pictures. These are the pictures that I uploaded to eBay. So no Charlie
Charlie is the gentleman who bought the Buffalo Bill tin with the safety razor from me. And you uploaded pictures
of exactly the same tin with the safety razor. I assumed that you bought the Buffalo Bill from me. I took a closer look
at the pictures. These are the pictures that I uploaded to eBay. So no Charlie
Sorry for the confusion, just showing more of the info on the can. Images from the internet.