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Coticule or BBW Dust


Well-Known Member
Howdy all,

Ive been thinking about making a pasted strop out of coticule or bbw dust.

Has anyone ever tried to make one of these before?
If so how did it fare?

I figured you could put the dust into linen strop just like a paste and use it as a touch up.

Even if its on a strop would it give us a edge that is similar to the one we know and love?
Yup, 's been done before although I can't seem to find the correct post(s).

What I remember is: a dressing of coticule dust works, but has to be reapplied very often, making it less ideal to work with.
Yep,did that on my short Dovo strop.

In this case a mix of BBW/coticule powder,collected after lapping it (with another coti).

It works quite well,not as aggresive as crox or abrassive pastes,but it does slightly rejuvinate the coticule feel of the edge....

Lookes like someone had the craps on the linen fabric though... ;-)

Kind regards