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DE safety razor comb ЗЧМ 194-У


Active Member
Once I saw a photo of a French 4-sided razor comb Quiz ( Quiz peigne rasoir de securite ) . Searching for information did not give answers as to who and when produced and sold it. I saved the photo and forgot about it.

And then I accidentally came across an ad for the sale of such a copy of this razor produced in the USSR (almost all razors produced in the USSR were copies of other razors). Now I have such an unusual exhibit in my collection.
The name of this razor ЗЧМ 194-У (this is clearly an abbreviation of the full name, but I'm still looking for information), if you try to translate into English, you can write it like ZCHM 194-U.
It looks like it is made of LDPE (high pressure polyethylene). It has four working sides marked with dots. Quite a strong design, you need to apply force to disassemble it. For work, you can install one or two blades at a time . Dimensions: height 70 mm; width 50 mm; thickness 0.8 mm.. Weight 17 g.


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