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"grit rating" arti-cule (sic)


Well-Known Member
Nice one Sir Bart, you have as ever written a concise and informative addition to the Lab, on a subject that is not very clear or concise really :thumbup:

I must ask where you mastered the English language so well? and what is your native language? I have visited Belgium on several occasions in the past, with Dutch people, and tbh I think everyone just spoke well err Dutch! except me of course who just smiled a lot and said "Chuurzs" a lot ... lol
tat2Ralfy said:
Nice one Sir Bart, you have as ever written a concise and informative addition to the Lab, on a subject that is not very clear or concise really :thumbup:
Actually, I meant to illustrate how absurd it is to talk about "grit" and Coticules.:rolleyes:
tat2Ralfy said:
I must ask where you mastered the English language so well? and what is your native language?
I kind of picked it up during this turmoil called life.:) It's in the Flemish genes to assimilate other languages. My mother's tongue is some form of regional Flemish, but I can speak General Dutch as well. I can read French, write it if I take my time, and speak it when I have no choice. And some understanding of German, but only because it resembles Dutch. I used to know my way around in Latin, but only because I studied it during secondary grades.

Living in a country with three different official languages, while most songs on the radio and most movies on television are in a fourth language (English) can be a true blessing.:)

By the way, we say "schol" or "santé", instead of "cheers".

It did too, I understand performance is the only real way to compare Coticules and Synthetics (I have only ever used Coticules apart from a low grit stone for major repairs)