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Help to a newcomer


Hello, Im new here and need some help to name my cotis.

This one, I bought from EBay




This I bought in Brasil, and is a little old piece




Those are my slury

Those I received from my grandmother, she is almost 90 old. Was from his father. He made folding knives.
I think is a coticule. It s the one in the lower line, in the pic above.

Many thabks foir youre atention

Best regards from Brasil

Hi Jean.You well come in can confirm that everything posted is coticule.I can tell you which layer your coticules come ,due to all of them are vintage. The last one looks like <<Les Latneuses>>
Maybe Bart has more informations for you.
Best regards
the last one can be a les latneuses but I'm not sure because I have a coticule laying here that's probably not a les latneuses but looks just as one but bart picked up at another mining spot

kind regards
Many thanks for youre wellcome and help.
The first apears to be more soft, and second is harder. Especialy in darker area..

Best regards
Hello Jean,

Welcome to

Those are nice rocks you have, but I'm sorry to inform you that determining layers is not going to be possible.

Today, only one company survives of the many that once where in the Coticule Mining business. We only have access to the information of that one last company, called "Ardennes Coticule". Without knowing if any of your hones comes from Ardennes, or from one of its precursors that mined at the same location, there is no telling which layer a hone comes from. There used to be many other finding spots, with several other layers. It is not even certain that the same layers at different locations had similar properties at all.

Fortunately, it appears that the end results of Coticules are as good as indistinguishable from another. Not all stones operate at the same speed, and there are nuances in how they feel, but with some practice, they all yield excellent results. All Coticules share the same unique spessartine garnets, albeit not all in the same concentration. This explains the speed difference, but also why the end results are so similar.

About your pictures:
The first stone could be a Coticule from Ardennes, but it is not certain, considering you got it off Ebay.
In this case, it is clearly a "La Dressante au Bleu"

The second stone looks unlike any Coticule I ever saw at Ardennes, which indicates that it is an old stone from one of the since long closed mines.

Based on the picture of the third stone, I'm not completely sure that it is a Coticule, but it is certainly possible.

I can imagine that you hoped for more information, but luckily the stones remain the same regardless.

Best regards,
Mr Bart.
Many thanks for youre pronpt answer.
The second one, shurely I´m the third owner, at last for what Im shure. Could have more owners. So, could be very old.
The one the I received form my grand grand father, looks much like the smaller (color and the way it feel) one form the slurrys. The smaller slury is a kita nagura. Or was sold like that.
many thanks again..
Best regards.
About Brazilian slathe stone (we call "ardosia", have you tried them with very light oil?)
With water, they realy looks to dull a blade.
Hi jean,

You are talking about the backside of glued Coticules? They are slate, ("ardoise" in French and apparently "ardosia" in Portuguese:) ) No, I haven't tried it with anything else but water. I'll give it a try with oil sometimes.

Thank you for the tip.
