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Mann's 14 in one razor


Well-Known Member
Brand: Mann's 14 in one razor
Model: Mann's 14 in one razor
: Proprietary single wedge edge
Handle: 19.5g
Weight head: 74.5g
Weight total: 95g
Weight blade: 3.9g
Box: Cardboard
Origin: England
: London
Manufacturer: Unknown
Year manufactured: Patent 1928 (297552)

The blade has seven reversible edges one for each day of the week. I have to say: it's an impressive piece. And extremely rare, even more rare with its box.
Very sturdy and properly manufactured.

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Nice find Walid, that is a very cool razor.
Question: when 7 days in the week, what's with the 14? Is the blade reversible?
That's the only way we can get to the number 14. But when you look at the blade. the days show up only on one side. @Clouds thinks so too.
I was on a video call with David grant two days ago and forgot to ask him. :headwall1
Wow, it helps to have the real thing in front of you. I think he wrote the description before "JK" sent him the pics. Then he forgot to modify the content.
I am glad this drew you in :).
Is that the 14-in-1 razor with a low starting price I was recently watching on eBay, briefly hoping it would slip under the radar like in the (g)olden days?
Is that the 14-in-1 razor with a low starting price I was recently watching on eBay, briefly hoping it would slip under the radar like in the (g)olden days?
That's the one. Sorry Andreas. It's a British razor made in England. Time to get moving in your flea markets. If this guy found it there so can you.;)
That's the one. Sorry Andreas. It's a British razor made in England. Time to get moving in your flea markets. If this guy found it there so can you.;)
The most exciting thing I ever saw over here was a bucket full of rusty keys.
There is another one a 5-minute walk away tomorrow morning.
I'll go and do some 3D printing at the local makerspace instead.