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Merkur Superslant


Absurd hero
SU-Patron Gold
Although the designation Merkur gave to this razor is, as far as I know, unknown, it is commonly referred to as the superslant, as it's much more slanted than the regular Merkur slant offerings. These can be found in short screw and long screw variations, the one here is a long screw. The head is not the best looking in my collection, but until I find a better one this should do.
I have seen pics of a version of the SuperSlant with the beveled cap like the regular Merkurs 37 series, but have not come across one for sale.
That would be an interesting find. Haven't heard of that one yet.
I've tested the Fasan 42 cap on the Merkur vv, and they fit rather well, which, with the fact the caps are dotted, makes me wonder: did Merkur get the heads from Fasan? Do Fasan exist with safetybar instead of comb?
When I got my Hoffritz, the first thing I did was to swap parts with the Fasan, and it was an almost direct fit. I don't recall if I ever shaved with the swapped parts, but I guess not since the caps would have been too similar.

I am pretty sure that there was no safety bar Fasan slant since you or @Jake would have found one long ago.
Together with its Hoffritz and Bartali brethren
View attachment 22598
My Hoffritz is not that super slanted. So, Hoffritz has a super slant as well produced by Merkur.
The Bartali is a copy of the Merkur superslant? I have someone who wants to sell me a Bartali with clam-shell and its carboard for 150$. Id this reasonable nowadays? Last tracable sales were 12$ (may 2021) and 35$ feb 2022.
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Hoffritz sold rebranded Merkur 36, 37, 38 slants and superslants of which we do not know the modelnumber.
Bartali is rare and expensive.
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So, it's worth the 150 euro? It's NOS from what I gather. I am hesitating because the razor seems unassuming and looks like a copy of Merkur. I know you have one, but would've you bought it for this much?
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