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My New Stone


Well-Known Member
Howdy all!,

Just thought id share some pics of my newest stone.


Its a 150x50 Petite Blanche. It doesn't have the same features as my other one though, this one is more pink on top and the blue lateral lines are not as pronounced.

I tried it out quickly last night with light slurry and must say i like how this one feels. Compared to my other stone it has more of a gritty feeling. I took a razor that i had just honed on my other lpb and tried it on just water with this one and i did see some improvement in sharpness. To early to tell if its a faster stone or i just didn't too great of a job with the other stone.

When i first got the stone i must say i was a bit scared because there were small cracks running along the sides, but after a quick email to Bart and his reassurance that some CA glue will give me peace of mind all was well.

Here are also some pics of the small cracks, all have been filled in with CA glue now
I know its a bunch of pics but what can i say i love my stone!

Cant wait to play around with it some more and figure this baby out! I also have a La Verte on its way from a trade with a member on here and cant wait to get it and play around with that also.
Couldnt figure out how to post the pics properly but edited the post to have the links instead
You can do some spying on flickr page's code and extract direct link, just as I did with the first one. But I won't do it with all of them, sorry. :rolleyes:

Thanks ill try to figure it out, for now at least there is one pic of the stone everyone can see lol
The top would've fooled me into thinking it's La Veinette.

But whatever, I'll just say "mushroom".
It does look pretty deceiving. Its not pale yellow like my other lpb.

But you can see just a bit of the blue lines above the bbw which is supposed to mean lpb.

But like you said ill call it mushroom too until i get a real positive id lol
Basil said:
It does look pretty deceiving. Its not pale yellow like my other lpb.

But you can see just a bit of the blue lines above the bbw which is supposed to mean lpb.

But like you said ill call it mushroom too until i get a real positive id lol

I see the "knots" in between the coticule and BBW. But, I also see the thin blue lines ("spider veins") on the coticule. In fact, I see several such lines. I also think I see thin blue lateral lines, but it's hard to tell from the pictures.
There are some of those thin black lines on top of the stone as well as the small bbw lines along the side. They are very hard to see but i think you can see them clearer in the second set of pictures.

Then again i know nothing about stones compared to you guys.

Ill try to take some better pics and pass along my test results with it when i get the chance.
I have such (it seems to me) a line on the top side of my coticule which is a thin crack, but I hardly can feel it when honing so I think there is no influence on honing performance (at my skill level;) ) but maybe on your coticule is it something like a manganese inclusion.

I know that Emmanuel has posted a recipe to fill void on a coticule (based on egg yolk, coticule dust...) maybe it can be used if it's necessary


I will have to keep that recipe in mind if the glue fails on the crack around the side.

As for the top it is a manganese line and there are no cracks that I can see
Thanks for the tip. I will keep that as a bookmark for sure.

I probably should have put some dust in there and then the glue but I wasn't thinking at the moment.

Instead I got a thin CA glue and poured it in the crack and put a weight on it for a day so the stone could bond properly.
Basil said:
Thanks for the tip. I will keep that as a bookmark for sure.

I probably should have put some dust in there and then the glue but I wasn't thinking at the moment.

Instead I got a thin CA glue and poured it in the crack and put a weight on it for a day so the stone could bond properly.

I disrecommend holding it down with weight. This will likely cause uneven stress on a material that is already brittle. It will likely lead to more cracks. Just get the glue in and give it time to set.
Thought I'd give a bit of an update on my progress with this stone.

For me it's a bit of a mystery, while honing it doesn't feel anything like my other petite blanche. This stone has a much more gritty feeling, and does seem faster on just water. While my other lpb has a very smooth feeling and feels like glass when on just water.

That being said I've worked the dilicot on it with success and found no need to add tape for a unicot.

Will play around with it more after Easter.

As an aside I think it really might be a La Veinette based on the way it acts and looks. Then again Bart might come along and say different.
I really don't know how to determine this Coticule. It's one of those stones that doesn't really give it away from its looks. There's no real blue line as typical for La Petite Blanche. Could be La Veinette but just as easily La Dressante. It is a beautiful stone, that's for sure.

I slightly disagree with Jared, as you probably figure out already about the use of pressure for sealing cracks. Often such laterlal cracks have some spring in them. If you fill them with CA glue, my recommendation is to just treat it as if you were gluing a separated stone. Apply the glue, give it a bit of pressure (as usually stated by the instructions of the glue) and leave it alone. I've done it with two small woodworking clamps (I've seen Maurice of Ardennes to it too), but an old dictionary or a can of soup will add enough weight to serve the same purpose. I advised Basil to contact Ardennes to let them know about the crack and tell them that he was going to follow my advice for sealing it, if only to make sure that he wasn't going to void his guarantee. Coticules contain stresses, I reckon the way the rock was formed and folded by nature, that is hardly a surprise. Cracks happen, certainly in the natural combination stones. The glued ones have been sliced and glued to a known stable slate. That process in itself reduces a lot of the stresses that could have been present in the raw chunk. With a natural combo, one receives a less processed stone, hence cracks are seen on occasion. My advice is always to seal them for more piece of mind, and when it really turns for the worst, return the stone. Ardennes' customer care is outstanding, no worries in that department.

Kind regards,
As bart said I contacted Maurice and asked about the glue and he said it should be perfectly fine.

I didnt use anything heavy just a bottle of water.

As for the stone I think it could become my new favorite. Just had a shave after a little playing around and it was perfection.