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New Coticule


Well-Known Member
Howdy everyone!

Just received my newest coticule from Maurice today.

I asked for a good finisher and said id like something similar to a LGB to my surprise he said he had one in stock so i had to jump on the chance to own one.

I thought that they were all mined before but i assume with the new quarry open they found a layer again?

Anyways here are the pics hope you all enjoy the stone.

Enjoy your coticule Basil. Ηρθες το καλοκαιρι στην Ελλαδα και δεν με πηρες ενα τηλεφωνο? Απο οτι θυμαμαι σου εχω δωσει το νουμερο μου.Ισως ησουν πολυ απασχολημενος.

Do not forget to share how is going your new coticule.
Best regards
Man, that's a hefty chunk of a coticule! You could cut off the upper half of yellow layer and decide which of three surfaces you are the most fond of. Then you'd provide backing for a "new" stone, and sell one of these, thus getting a coticule for free. :lol: :lol: :lol:
