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New Participating Member


Hello folks.
I’m writing you from Baghdad. I’ll soon return to my home in Edelsfeld Germany where I work for the US Army. I’m an American and new to participating in these forums other than reading them. I’m not new to straight razor shaving or sharp stuff. I’m a gunsmith by trade and have a heart for those tools that aren’t made of plastic and don’t have an electrical cord attached. I’ve read enough of your writings on this web site to say that I feel like I know a few of you. So I finally decided to break out of the dark and say hello. I enjoy your professional manner and respectful treatment of each other. Thank you for allowing me admittance.

Very Respectfully

Hi Chasmo,

Welcome! I hope you'll enjoy your membership.

Keep it safe there, in Baghdad.

Kind regards,
Welcome, Sir

My brother is WO2 serving in Afghanistan. It's great to have you here.

Best regards and thanks for your service,

Welcome from me too good Sir
I hope you enjoy your time here, and keep safe during your time there

Best wishes and kind regards
Ralfson (Dr)
Hello Chasmo,

I can only echo the comments hoping you stay as safe as possible where you are and wish you a very warm welcome to these forums. As a fairly new boy myself when it comes to both straight razors and honing - this is the most informative, supportive and scientific forum I have ever come across. You will be right at home here.


welcome Chasmo,

I bet you're looking forward to the end of the tour? Are you a soldier or a civilian working for the army as a gunsmith? I've just retired from the army. I'm no gunsmith but followed the gun repair courses in the army. Have a safe trip home! Greets Ron
Thank you one and all for your kind words of welcome and concern. To clarify, I’m a civilian who learned something when I was active duty, Navy. The Army saw a need for my talents and placed me where I can give back my knowledge and experience as a government occupation. Unfortunately that places me in some rather precarious and austere environments. I don’t get to do much in the way of gunsmithing any longer, though that is my trade craft. The Army now has me managing technicians who are in place to give back their skills. This tour will end in the last week of this month. At which time I’ll return to my home in Germany. There I’ll prepare for my next trip, possibly Afghanistan. I look forward to visiting with each of you as you spin your threads and share your experiences with the world of straight razors. There is something really nice about mopping on some nice soap, stropping up a hundred plus year old razor on a homemade strop to rid one’s self of the morning growth. I think it’s equally pleasant consulting those who are eager, polite and knowledgeable concerning this passion we share. I sure hope I can bring something of value to this table. My pause and salute comes from photographs herein displaying evidence of some of your fine talents.

Very Respectfully