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paddle strop or linen/leather hanging strop

PhatMan, if you don't mind, how do you like the linen pad on the Neil Miller paddle stop? How does it compare to the linen on the hanging strops as far as quality and usability?

IIRC Mr Neil Miller uses the same linen stock as Mr Tony Miller.

I have compared my Tony Miller horse-hide hanger (linen side) with the paddle linen panel, and in use they both give the same (excellent) results :)

Have fun !

Best regards

My humble level of experience mirrors what Paul describes about repeating the sequence of linen/leather after doing both already. Going back to linen has helped a noticable number of blades.

On paddle vs hanger, I'm not qualified to say. I have taken blades honed w/ taped spines to newspaper over a hard stone, and the improvement was not subtle or ambiguous.
I have to agree that the linen can vastly improve HHT. I've tried it on both the Kanayama linen, and the Scrupleworks/Torolf linen.
As I always forget to do the HHT before stropping, I can't really say much about edge improvement, but I think I'm breaking in the worsted wool on the Scrupleworks pretty nicely...boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! It feels like it sucks the edge onto its surface, I almost like stropping on it beter than on the leather component. Almost :love:.