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Rasex "Extra" Razor


Well-Known Member
Hello again.

Rasex razors come from Switzerland. There were at least four different models: an Open Comb (the "Suisse"), a Slant (the "Dial"), a Tilted model (the "Patent"), and the Safety Bar or Closed Comb model, the "Extra".

Well, I finally scored an "Extra". It weighs 57 grams and is all brass. I had it re-plated by Dave Glynn at Auckland Razor Company.

I'd been looking for an Extra for some time. They're rare, even more rare it seems than the other models (which are not frequently seen either). I've seen photos of another Extra that had a different handle from this one. This is the only Extra I've seen with this particular handle. I'd guess that it's an earlier version of the model...

Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 1.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 2.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 3.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 4.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 5.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 6.JPG
Rasex %22Extra%22 Razor, 57g, Switzerland 7.JPG