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An idea for bart


Well-Known Member
bart I have an idea for you to further your coticule research, or at least document what you already know. We do know that keeness decreases as a result of the concentration of slurry, however the relation is not linear. I think most people probably have trouble bridging the 2k-8k gap in slurry dilution phase. This is the coticules only real fault that I can discern, nothing is perfect. What I propose is you make a graph, starting with the thickest dryest slurry and move all the way to water. On this graph show a picture of your slurry along each step of the way and show how it relates to the keenness so beginners can see what to work towards. Just thought i would throw this out there.
That sounds like an excellent idea. It is a bit of a problem getting the "right" kind of slurry.
Getting it heavy and thick/very thin is not at problem but as you say,it`s the gap in between that makes it frustrating.

regards gents
I'd have to do that, for each layer. And for some of the layers for each hone. Because they're all different in that aspect.
There's just no substitute for getting properly acquainted with one's particular specimen. On top of that, it depends largely on the width of the bevel and also on temper of the steel, how slow or fast one can progress through the thinning sequence.

But the biggest problem of all, is my hypothesis that wide bevels get sucked to the surface of the hone, which cause interference and fluttering of the thin edge. That prevents an edge of taking ample keenness (on any hone), and it can only be overcome with: 1. feeling to make the stroke with the right speed and (lack of) pressure, and 2. an arsenal of special finishing strategies (already covered in several threads and some articles in the Coticule Sharpening Academy).

Bottom line: I really appreciate the suggestion, yet I don't think it would be feasible.

Kind regards,
You could do it with an average coticule and full hollow razor. Im sure that is what most people have. Your right though, there are a wide spectrum of coticules. I am still having difficulty wiht my coti only dilucot and the four pictures on the sharpening academy aren't enough to base it off of. Maybe do a dilocut video?
mrmaroon said:
I am still having difficulty wiht my coti only dilucot and the four pictures on the sharpening academy aren't enough to base it off of.
4 pictures :confused: There are no pictures showing various dilution levels. You aren't basing dilucot on the picture set in the Progressive honing article, are you? Because that shows just slurry darkening while working on a good bevel.

I don't think a video would be of much use, for reasons stated in the other post. Many would probably just mimic the video and expect good results. But Dilucot can't be learned that way. You can't learn how to ride a bike by watching someone else do it. All relevant information is present, the rest is practice.

Kind regards,
I think my biggest problem is the 4x2 inch hone. It works great for touchups, but it is too small to adapt a big stroke and not have all the slurry fall off.