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Any Dilucot success on TI c135 ??

I would imagine that Gary is best to answer that, and I would be very surprised if he doesnt reply :thumbup:

I myself have absolutely minimal experience with a TI Silverwing, I performed a standard Dilucot on one once, and the edge was just fine

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
yes you do. i have several new ti's. i have owned lots of them. there no differant to any other razor. i find using a little pressure during diluting helps a lot. just mild pressure. they should come shave ready any way. me and joe honed a a couple of t's the other day, they do take an edge realy well. if you fail to reach desired keeness just use some ti paste it works a treat, if you don't mind taping you could use unicot/method.


let us no how the oak wing shaves? i have a couple of limited editions
Honed a c135 at Gary's on his hybrid (dilucot). Beautiful stone.
Tested this TI last night, shave was mint:thumbup: .
Visited Gary as I needed some pointers, I had to apply slightly more pressure than I normally do to get that stickiness on the hone in the final slurry stages/water.
Took some video, so when I figure out how to get it onto laptop/online you will find very helpful.
Took some shaving vid also.

Deckard said:
Honed a c135 at Gary's on his hybrid (dilucot). Beautiful stone.
Tested this TI last night, shave was mint:thumbup: .
Visited Gary as I needed some pointers, I had to apply slightly more pressure than I normally do to get that stickiness on the hone in the final slurry stages/water.
Took some video, so when I figure out how to get it onto laptop/online you will find very helpful.
Took some shaving vid also.



Eagerly waiting,

me waiting too
Mine is a 7/8 like the oakwing but with spanish point. Out of the box it was shave ready and after 50 strokes on Crox, it was a bit sharper than the vintage Le Grelot I have dilucoted and the razor Emmanel's hone for me and very smooth. Maybe a little less than the coticule edge but I'm a little biased;) .
So I didn't dare to touch up this razor with my coticule.

Our very own Ray recomends 10-12 laps on crox...Are there any blade left after that treatment?

When the crox starts turning dark,and that happends pretty fast,it`s about enough.

10-12 laps and thats it for me.

Sure with 50 laps the razor was very sharp but also a bit too harsh This was an advice of the seller, but in France people often rely on Crox treatment using many, many strokes... Nevertheless I think if you want to improve the factory edge of this new TI you have to be very confident in your technique.

torbenp said:
When the crox starts turning dark,and that happends pretty fast,it`s about enough
This crox balsa hone which turns dark, is it what they call a La Verte :p ?


the ti crox they use would not be harsh. I have ti crox and i tell you now it s the best i have used. the edges of ti's crox in jar, leaves a very nice soft edge. i used it on leather hanger, its good stuff, that probably why they advised that many strokes, as there crox is very smooth .

French forum recommend Puma extra fein green paste which is much cheaper than TI chromox.
It seems to be an equivalent of Mastro Livi crayon.
i have the the crayon. And i would hand on my haert say the ti crox knocks spots of it. the jar sounds a lot but that jar will last two life times. if you can get hold of the ti rasoir pate, thatv is much cheaper. that also works real well on canvas strop. its only aprox 4/5 pounds or so.
garyhaywood said:
i have the the crayon. And i would hand on my haert say the ti crox knocks spots of it. the jar sounds a lot but that jar will last two life times. if you can get hold of the ti rasoir pate, thatv is much cheaper. that also works real well on canvas strop. its only aprox 4/5 pounds or so.

i forgot to mention, unicot will cost you a roll of 0.15mm, electrical tape. that works a treat.
I've already the tape:lol: just have to buy a big jar of self confidence:blush:
As it is the TI edge is a bit better than what I could achieve consistently with a coticule.
gary do you have compared the livi green paste with the TI green paste??? which is the major differences...?
both paste are crox. one is made by livi in green crayon. this stuff goes on linen better. the ti green paste in jar is crox also. it comes ready mixed. you apply it to balsa leather linen with no probs. I have used both. Both worked, but the ti crox paste worked much better, in testing both te ti paste (green) leaves a much smoother not harsh edge . after a coticule 10 to 20 laps on the ti paste, and you will see hht jump up big time, leaving a smooth edge , defanaley not harsh and every bit the same as a good coticule edge. It realy has worked well for me. 'd say its acatuly as nice as ti rasoir white paste , but acatuly smoother still.

if you need more keness this stuff will work. have you tryed the ti white paste? that will also work and it's cheaper. One stick will last a life time. That needs tom go on linen hanger. I have a sm,all dovo hanger, one side has ti rsoir white paste (linen cotton) my leather has ti crox. Both will work. i somtimes have gone ten on ti white paste then 10 on crox.. Its dead simple to use after coticule. You will have to be at least 95 percent there on coticule. having said that i have honed on slurry then hit the ti paste and that works. just do your full dilucot. test of coti, if you not quite happy try one of those two paste with 10 to 20 laps . then you will notice the differance.

stalker said:
gary do you have compared the livi green paste with the TI green paste??? which is the major differences...?
the major differance was a big jump in hht of the ti crox with leslaps , and defanatley polishes the edge better in my opinion, leaving a smoother edge, easier to apply.i'll send you a sample.
give us your address? I'll have to find a tiny jar, i'll give you enough for a couple of applications.

i'll send you some white ti paste also. try both . make sure it goes on little hanging strop.
MaNY THANKS GARY ...send me an email to my address ...stalker78it(hat)
i will respond with my address!