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Your welcome,
I got an excellent hht result from this stone first time on my new grind TI.
My honing on my cotis is much improved and consistent following this visit and Gary's guidence.
Anyone at my level, all I can say is it's worth getting one on one instruction from someone as knowlegeable as Gary if you can. Hope to upload part 2 of this soon on another bout, will try to improve on video quality.
Joe, how would you describe the shave of the hybrid? on your ti that you honed , compared to the coticules you have . the hht you got was a perfect 3/4 of the hybrid.
I thought the shave was incredibly smooth and keen as good as it gets.
My second shave was with 10 laps on tight TI crox strop, and in my opinion it did benefit in terms of smoothness (slightly).
This is just a preference on my part, the shave was excellent as it was off the hone.
so you tryed the crox i poped on the leather foryou. the ti crox is the best i have tryed, interms of smoothness/keeness. i'm glad you liked it. As the other cronium oxides you have tryed were a bit crisp. So you liked the ti version of cronium oxide. Its defanatley differant. do you think its slightly smoother than ti white paste?
and one last question, did you find the hybrid side gave you a keener edge than the lpb edge i did for you on that same ti? i'm guessing it was keener ?
Yes definitley.
TBH at the time the lpb edges was about what I was capable of acheiving, so meant what was said at the time. Since then a lot of stuff has happened as you know in a short space of time and the bar has definitley been raised for me. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop with what I'm acheiving at the moment.
I don't think I could go back to those edges with my coarse stubble.
thank you for info. yes its nice to be able to raize the level of your edges, I remeber when i thought my coti edges were pritty good. then i tryed one that bart honed for me, i then realized there was room for improvemant.like we both agreed , so long as the shaves are comfy and shave with out pulling tugging etc, thats all that matters, any thing other than that is just fine tuning.
people, why you don't make a video for the various level of HHT??? 1,2,3,4,5.....based on a normal dovo carbon steel razor with a thick washed hair (for a main standardizzation). i think that will be so useful...
Those are two extremely useful videos. What might make sense to make them easier to find on youtube would be to rename them to something someone not specifically looking for Dilucot can actually find (such as "Coticule honing using dilution of slurry"). And maybe even link to the written description here on site, aka http://www.coticule.be/dilucot-honing-method.html.
Thank you so much for these videos, I really appreciate them. Anyone struggling with their honing stroke really should watch Gary make his strokes, especially the X stroke, on the coticule. That will show you how smooth and even you need to make it. :thumbup: