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April 5th till April 12th


Well-Known Member
Razor: Timeless 0.95 OC (USA)
Blade: Hema (Netherlands)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: Monsavon (France)
Brush: AP Shave Co 24mm Tuxedo Blue Lagoon handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Aluin (Italy)
Aftershave: Williams Aqua Velva (UK)
Aftershave: Adam’s After Shave Balm (Hungary)
EDT: None
RazoRock 400,
TFS Sottozero Forte,
Tatara Masamune oc,
Gillette Nacet (1),
Lea after shave balm.


Have a nice Sunday!
Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger,
Razor Master Erin (Lavender),
Gem G Bar,
Gem Personna Pfte 10e x,
PeReJa Lavender edc,
Weleda Aftershave Balsam,
L.T. Piver lotion Lavande.


Brush and soap:
Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger and Razor Master Erin (Lavender):
The Simpsons LE TSN 2013 P8 Phyl #195 Best Badger brush turned the Razor Master Erin (Lavender) into a fine full and smooth lather. I'm starting to get used to the scents of the Razor Master and have to say that this Lavender is pretty good.
Blade and razor:
The Gem Personna Pfte used for the 10th x.
The Gem Personna Pfte doesn't give a lot of shrinkage, today it's shaved nicely again, so tomorrow for the 11th x Now the Gem G Bar in combination with the Gem Personna Pfte is also almost unbeatable.
Result: BBS.
Finally: nice with flowers completed by PeReJa Lavender edc, Weleda Aftershave Balsam and L.T. Piver lotion Lavande.
Let's see if we can find a quiet spot in nature for a walk.

Pre-Shave: Prep
Shaving Soap / Cream: Mama Bears Lime Cilantro Ice

Aftershave: Proraso green
Aftershave Balm: Stirling Menthol MITA

Shaving Brush: Shavemac 28 mm. Fan Silvertip Badger 2 bander

DE-Razor: Timeless Smooth SB 0,95
DE-Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Super Platinum India Black 4x

Together with the Awakenings, the Lime Cilantro Ice by Mama Bears is one of the absolute top fragrances. daumenh!
The same goes for the lather, by the way.
SOTD 5 April 2020

Prep: Cold water
Brush: Monzingo Homeman Jade + Declaration Grooming B6
Razor : Union Japanse straight razor
Soap: Wholly Kaw Entropy Man
After-shave: Saponificio Varesino Settantesimo Anniversario (70th Anniversary)
M-Keramiek scuttle
Omega barber style boar brush
Lea shaving cream
RazoRock Hawk V2 + schick p-30
VDH alum
Dickinsons witch hazel
Cadre Noir AS, Isana ultrasensite balsem

The cadre noir is some cheap french supermarket AS. Smells fresh contains menthol just nice on a day like this.
Morris & Forndran Style 3, Size 2 in Finest, Ivory Grain
Meißner Tremonia - Himalayan Heights
Oblyc - Travelkit, wrogn handle (s)
Voskhod (final)

Everything felt tuggy but alum could not be felt and the result is perfect bbs.
Razor: Timeless 0.95 OC (USA)
Blade: Hema (Netherlands)
Pre-Shave: None
Shaving Bowl: None
Soap: Monsavon (France)
Brush: AP Shave Co 24mm Tuxedo Blue Lagoon handle (Canada)
Aftershave: Di Barba Aluin (Italy)
Aftershave: Williams Aqua Velva (UK)
Aftershave: Adam’s After Shave Balm (Hungary)
EDT: None
Prep Skin Protective Cream,
J&T® Padouk finest 2-band badger Virginia Sheng,
Acca Kappa Barbershop Collection Refreshing,
Ever-Ready Ambassador,
Gem Personna Pfte 11e x,
Alcolado Glacial,
Prep Skin Protective Cream,
Kremlon ice cream eau de cologne.


Brush and soap:
J&T® Padoek finest 2-band badger Virginia Sheng and Acca Kappa Barbershop Collection Refreshing:
Because I had a dull head and a fresh soap was waiting for me, first Prep lubricated and then with the J&T® Padoek finest 2-band badger Virginia Sheng the Acca Kappa Barbershop Collection Refreshing firmly loaded and a nice big bowl of foam beaten. That foam of the Acca Kappa is a luxurious, full fat, finely blown with the necessary firmness. Pure shaving pleasure.
Blade and razor:
The Gem Personna Pfte used for the 11th x. The Gem Personna Pfte is still doing well, but still I thought I recognized some weariness in the distance, so I decided to put it in te piggy bank. By the way, the combination Ever-Ready Ambassador with this Gem Personna Pfte was still good to shave with. However, it does not have to go to the hole, so piggy bank. Result BBS.
Finally: care, further cooling and pampering with Alcolado Glacial, Prep Skin Protective Cream and Kremlon Ice Cream eau de cologne. Well, the latter was the biggest boost.
@Clouds interesting razor. Is it already on your list @efsk?
Thanks evh

@ehv It is one I'm searching for. Didn't know it existed until the first time @Clouds showed it here.
;);)Its is my revenge. ;);) Everytime that you post a pic of an adjustable, I go searching myself.

On a serious note - My first use of it this morning with a blade with 4 uses. Its a very mild shaver and I believe that it would greatly benefit with a sharp blade
Pre-Shave: Bleubeards Revenge
Shaving Soap / Cream: Local Gents Eucalyptus Mint

Aftershave: Speick
Aftershave Balm: Speick

Shaving Brush: Proraso

DE-Razor: Timeless Smooth SB 0,95
DE-Blade: Treet Carbon Black Beauty 1x

A new Treet blade in the Timeless is always a party.

I hadn't had the Timeless in my hands for quite a long time.
Compared to razors such as the Wolfman and Paradigms the head is quite colossal and the first shaves with a long grip were a bit disappointing.

However, with a short iKon grip it is well balanced and shaves great.

The empty soap is nearing its end so tomorrow I think the last shave with it.