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April 7 - April 13


Saturday Straights' Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
Colgate Shaving Mug Soap
Jayaruh #434 Synthetic
Ralf Aust 5/8 (first shave)
Pinaud Clubman After Shave

The Colgate Shaving Mug Soap lathered well with the Jayaruh #434 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Ralf Aust 5/8 straight gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Pinaud Clubman After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
Razor: Merkur 37
Blade: Willy’s
Soap: Faena Menthosycus
Brush: Yaqi Barber Pole Style 24mm Two Band Badger Knot Shaving Brush
Aftershave: Alepia Pierre d’ALUN
Aftershave: Faena Aftershave Lotion Menthosycus
Aftershave: Faena Aftershave Balm Menthosycus
Filarmonica No.13 13/16 Doble Temple Full Hollow
Grooming Dept Unscented Preshave
Zingari Man Byron No.1 Shave Soap
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Zingari Man Byron No.1 Splash
Zingari Man Byron No.1 Balm
Semogue SOC Two Band Badger Brush