Well guys, I have great news! Our BBQ team (almost typed BBW) has set a new world record in the KCBS (Kansas city BBQ Society) circuit! We got 4 grand champion placings in a row! Only one team last year got 3 in a row! We are quite the buzz now and there is even talk of rookie of the year!
I'm going to turn this thread into an ongoing journal of our progress, like Jim does with J'nats. If you want to read it then go right ahead! I may even let a few of our secrets slide so you guys can make some award winning Q. The story starts from the beginning.
One day my dad called me and asked if I wanted to go to a BBQ competition with him. He bought a stump's smoker (the classic seen here
http://www.stumpssmokersinc.com/html/vertical_smokers.html ). We packed our stuff into a "rent me at tool center" hauler and went to Illinois! We were going to name our BBQ team "rent me at tool center" because we figured we would be using that trailer a lot and all the big BBQ teams have their names on their trailers!
We got to the competition and cooked 2 briskets, 4 pork butts (is actually the shoulder), 8 racks of ribs, and 24 chicken thighs. Out of all this we turn in only 8 slices of brisket, a sandwich sized pile of pulled pork, 6 racks of ribs, and 6 chicken thighs. We stagger when we can incase the first round over shoots on temperature. We offset about 15 minutes.
During this first comp I had no clue what was going on, I was just there to drink beer and maybe help out a little. I had no knowledge of BBQ. During the cooks meeting, the reps asked if there were any teams that had never cooked before. We raised our hands and everyone looked at us thinking "hell yea, we aren't getting last today!". We had to stay and listen to the rules for KCBS.
At our first competition there were 2 world recognized teams, Quau (the current no 1 ranked team) and Lotta Bull BBQ (ranked about 20th, was a previous national champion). These teams had sponsors and RV's the size of a semi trailer. We figured there was no way in hell we were coming out of here alive. We hoped we would place in the top 10 in ONE category.
After a long night of cooking (we start at 11PM and finish at noon the next day) we turned in our meats. During turn in, there is a 30min gap between each category. The goal is to put your meat in one of those styrophome cases and transport it to the judges. When this is done you wait for results.
Judging system
Judging at one of these comps is the fairest thing I've ever seen. Coming from a farming background, all it takes to win a livestock show is getting in the "know" with the judge. This doesn't work for BBQ.
When you turn your meat in (lets say chicken, it's first) you take it to a table outside the judging room. Your box has a number on the top. When the people outside have 6 boxes, they take it in to the judges and they start judging! The rules are kind of complicated, but it is a double blind system. .
-Each judge can only judge each team once, so if they got us on chicken they don't get us again for pork...etc.
-A team can only be judged against another team one time. So if we were judged against Quau on chicken, we wouldn't be judged against them on pork.
-When the rep outside gets your box, they put a new number OVER your old one. This is so you can't find a judge and bribe him to score your number high.
-The results are scored by points out of a 1-9 scale with of 3 categories, appearance, texture, taste.
-appearance has a multiplier of 1, texture 2, and taste 4.
You can see it is a fair system, it also gives a team a basis on how they did as a team as opposed to only how they did against everyone else. With the point system we can see "Oh, we got 270 points at this comp, 268 at another... etc. Instead of 1st, 2nd, 1st get me?
Back to the results
We went and sat at a table with my dad's friends. They were the reason we went there in the first place. His friend was the head guy for the fairgrounds in that county and put on the BBQ comp. This being our first competition we were anxious to see how we did.
They give the results for chicken first starting from 10th and going to 1st. We got 5th place! We couldn't believe it! My dad grabbed the check and I grabbed the trophy. Next was ribs, we got 5th again! Pork was third and we got 2nd place - I started grabbing the checks now

: . Brisket we got 4th place. We were the only team to get top 5 in everything. We also won the people choice award.
The end result was
Chicken 5th
Ribs 5th
Pork 2nd
Brisket 4th
Overall: Reserve Grand Champion
Prize: 1,250$