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Well-Known Member

just used my BBW again! Wow! Awesome results! How long do you guys think 0.9mm of bbw will last if I'm only keeping up my own razors. (That's the thickness of the BBW on my Kosher combination stone).

Also do BBW share the same kind of diversity between layers or is one BBW the same as another from a different source?


There are many BBW layers, with different honing capabilities. Unfortunately, they're nearly impossible to tell apart, once mined and mixed up. With natural combination hones, it's easier, because we can use the Coticule part as a pointer.

There is almost zero research done about BBW-layers. One layer was commercialized in the old days, hones being sold as "Pierres du Lorraine". The Lorraine vain probably being the same as what is also known as "Salmon Rouge".
I have never seen one, but I imagine it's a reddish kind of BBW.

As far as wear is concerned, in general they seem to be a bit easier to abrade than the average Coticule, but they'll still last for a long time.

Best regards,

I'm really loving the edge I'm getting off my BBW/Coticule combination. That new Dovo SS I got from Shavemac shaves like a champ. Hopefully I won't have to buy a new BBW for years to come.
