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beginner experiment

Thank you, Bart.

It really doesn't look to me as if it was one and only razor used for learning... It must have gone through tens of sharpenings, right? Hmm, there are some of mine which look roughly that way after not more than, say, 3 attempts... Or maybe I just bother with the wear too much...?

I has been on hones for hours and hours. But honesty dictates to it was still considered "butchering" to use anything more than the lightest possible pressure, back when I started to figure out honing.
It is my experience that a spine flat forms rapidly during the first 10 sharpening jobs, but once the flat is present it slows down a lot.

Kind regards,
finaly received my first shaving equipement. My shave-ready Dovo tortoise delivers quite a good shave (still some problems under the chin) with no nicks. It is much more forgivable than my shavette. I'm also in contact with Maurice at Ardennes-Coticule, he is looking in his stock for a coticule for me. So, Thanks to all for your advice and your encouragement.

Sounds like you're doing fine.

Please keep up posted.

Kind regards,
Shaving was not very difficult as I had some experience with the shavette and a shave ready razor.
Stropping is not very easy, but I'm training.
Next step will be honing :scared: !!!