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Blackland Vector


Well-Known Member
I recently acquired a Blackland Vector in a trade for my Asylum RX (which has been with me since the first batch that was released). Interesting razor. The head is extremely small (no larger than the blade itself and is very nimble when shaving. I expected it to be a smooth shaver like my RX was, but quickly found that it could be a rough shaver if the angle was not quite right. I also found out that if not careful, the blade can be mounted backwards and yo will not find this out until trying to fit the base plate on to the head. :confused:

Turned out to be a one pass DFS with touch up, or a two pass BBS with almost no touch up.

Definitely a razor that I will acquaint myself with more when OCtober is over.

Tried and tried again but didn't like it that much
Because one person doesn’t like it others shouldn’t avoid it, might just be your favorite SE. Mine is the Paradigm, best SE out of 30+ I tried over the years.
Tonight I shaved with the OC plate. First of all, this OC plate was a little more refined than the RR Hawk OC plate. The teeth were shorter and closer together.


I found that the original SB plate paired well with my Kai Protouch blade, but this guarded blade did not make sense with an OC plate and so I switched to a well used Schick Proline blade. WTG pass had more blade feel than the SB plate, however when I adjusted the angle a little, the shave became exceptional. I could have gotten a DFS + with just the WTG pass and light touch up, but I continued with the ATG pass just to get to know the razor a little better (and I had a load of Tabac on my brush). I ended up with a two pass BBS.

I think I need to compare both plates using a Proline blade.
I have never been convinced that titanium is a better metal for safety razors, and certainly not for the Vector as the head is already so small and light. To me, a titanium razor is like a porn movie - one does not watch the movie for the plot. teufel_lachend
The stainless steel version is a beautiful shaver. For me no need for a titanium version as the stainless steel version is very nimble!
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I have never been convinced that titanium is a better metal for safety razors, and certainly not for the Vector as the head is already so small and light. To me, a titanium razor is like a porn movie - one does not watch the movie for the plot. teufel_lachend

So yo are accusing me of having a lot of porn movies? So be it, I like porn mo.... I mean titanium razors