I don't know whats missing because I "bump" into ones that I have never heard of for example the
Grant Hammond.
It was pointed out to me. So just when I think that I've seen it all!!
Also while compiling the website, I realised some gaps in the collection, all of which will come up at some point.
Collecting is about patience and luck.
I can however list some of the ones that I know that I'm looking for.
Apollo Mikron 1 - The one that I found recently
here is some sort of transition razor
Hol'Pif - The one listed
here is also some sort of hybrid and probably rarer than an original - but I still don't have an original.
Brillant de Luxe - The one with the aluminium handle
Erfa Rasant - The Gen 6 that I mentioned in the
Erfa thread. This and the Brillant, I believe will complete the DDR Adjustables collection BUT...that is until somebody comes and bursts my bubble!
Eclipse Red Rings - A Gen 1 and Gen 2 (I only realised this when I was putting together the Eclipse page)
Except for the Gen 1 Eclipse, although the Brillant and Erfa are not easy finds, they are not super rare and with a bit of patience and luck.
@efsk has this
Eversharp (Norway) that is missing from my collection.
There are obviously more, but those are the ones off the top of my head.
On some of the pages, I mention the missing ones.