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Clouds' Adjustables

Quite a collection you have there. Very nice.
My only criticism is obvious:
Some pages mention patents for the razors, but there are no links to them (Google Patents, Espacenet or even my humble site)
Also, I'd love to see higher-resolution images.
Amazing collection Claudio. I like the format.
Some of the razors need to be in my collection. I'll be keeping a watch on them on different auction sites. Unless you have some doubles that you want to sell ;)

Are you putting the collection in a display or keeping them in drawers?
Thanks sɐǝɹpu∀
On the patents - 100% correct there. Where I mention patents, I have downloaded copies of most of them. The decision that still has to be made is whether to put them up on the page itself or reference them to another site.

The images on the main pages are 800x800, so you are able to "right click / open image in a new tab" which will give a higher resolution.
My knowledge of Image plugins is zilch and also something for the future.
Thanks @Walid
:lol:lol:lol Bet that you have some that need to be in mine as well :lol:lol:lol.

They are not on display. I had an open cupboard with glass shelves made to hold them. That in turn is mounted in a Walk in Safe.
Thanks sɐǝɹpu∀
On the patents - 100% correct there. Where I mention patents, I have downloaded copies of most of them. The decision that still has to be made is whether to put them up on the page itself or reference them to another site.

The images on the main pages are 800x800, so you are able to "right click / open image in a new tab" which will give a higher resolution.
My knowledge of Image plugins is zilch and also something for the future.
You are right about the images of course. Good enough.
Unless you can add value to the patents (like I try to) there is no point in hosting them yourself.
Find the patent on or (which I prefer) and link to it. (or link to my site if the patent is available)
Thanks @Walid
:lol:lol:lol Bet that you have some that need to be in mine as well :lol:lol:lol.

They are not on display. I had an open cupboard with glass shelves made to hold them. That in turn is mounted in a Walk in Safe.
We have two different types of collections. We do have intersections, though. I collect very old safety razors with the following priorities:

1. Historical significance (first design, first model from brand, etc...)

2. Interesting engineering (a complex design that solves a specific problem)

3. Justified rarity (rare for a reason, not because one person produced one razor at home)

4. Diversification (a variety of countries, designs, presentations, etc..)

5. Aesthetics (beautiful and creative presentation, items in good shape)

Clearly, Holpif, le Supreme, revelation, Krytyk, Olyfa réglable, etc. Fall into one of those categories.
Justified rarity (rare for a reason, not because one person produced one razor at home)
Maybe I should answer that in the other thread, but justified rarity could mean it shaves like shit.
Maybe I should answer that in the other thread, but justified rarity could mean it shaves like shit.

Lol, Justified rarity is a technical term in the Antique Business. At some point a lot of sellers started claiming rarity in mathematical term. I shit, and the shape of my shit is unique so it's rare and therefore must be extremely expensive.

The justified rarity came to infuse a qualitative quality when assessing the value of the item.

On itself it's a huge subject to debate.

Which adjustables are you missing in your collection?

You even have the bottom dial, red dot and Gibbs 9.

So, what's missing?

I don't know whats missing because I "bump" into ones that I have never heard of for example the Grant Hammond.
It was pointed out to me. So just when I think that I've seen it all!!

Also while compiling the website, I realised some gaps in the collection, all of which will come up at some point.
Collecting is about patience and luck.

I can however list some of the ones that I know that I'm looking for.
Apollo Mikron 1 - The one that I found recently here is some sort of transition razor
Hol'Pif - The one listed here is also some sort of hybrid and probably rarer than an original - but I still don't have an original.

Brillant de Luxe - The one with the aluminium handle
Erfa Rasant - The Gen 6 that I mentioned in the Erfa thread. This and the Brillant, I believe will complete the DDR Adjustables collection BUT...that is until somebody comes and bursts my bubble!
Eclipse Red Rings - A Gen 1 and Gen 2 (I only realised this when I was putting together the Eclipse page)
Except for the Gen 1 Eclipse, although the Brillant and Erfa are not easy finds, they are not super rare and with a bit of patience and luck.

@efsk has this Eversharp (Norway) that is missing from my collection.

There are obviously more, but those are the ones off the top of my head.
On some of the pages, I mention the missing ones.
Some updates:
I think that I've finally figured out the Schick Adjustable Injectors.
Link Here

I've added some new arrivals. The following are the "highlights"

Personna Precision - Chrome version
Link Here
Eclipse Red Ring - First Generation
Link Here
Serial Toggle repair

I recently bought a Serial Toggle. The listing stated that the adjuster dial was stuck and that someone may have tried to force it (read plier marks). After looking at the images, I decided to bid and won it.

When it arrived I first tried soaking it in a citric acid solution for a few days which didn't ease up anything. It needed taking apart.

It took me a while to dismantel - I kept going back to the patent drawing on each section before I did anything there. It's done its fair share of shaves and was full of soap buildup - no wonder it didn't adjust!! As I was dismanteling it, each piece was put into a citric acid solution. A while later I started cleaning the muck which was soft by then using a soft toothbrush.

I ended up breaking one very thin ring. Its the one above the toggle in the image below, so I had to make a new one before I could reassemble. I'm not sure what the original was made of, but I made this one out of brass.
The little ring is there to limit the start and end points of the adjustment dial, and that needed some "fine turning". This was done by hand and a needle file.

Last thing before reassembly was paint filling the numbers and lines on the adjuster dial with black paint and the two "dot" markers with red.

Putting it back together is pretty easy, with the only fiddly part getting the numbers and dedents to match up.

serial Toggle 2.jpg