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Conrad Razors


Well-Known Member
The "Conrad Razor Blade Co." apparently made a lot of razors although strangely enough it's not a very well known name.

Conrad razors were also known by an even more obscure company name: "Prybrands Inc.", of Long Island, New York.

I understand that Conrad/Prybrand made two of the well known (and well regarded) "Barbasol" razors, as well as the "Clix", "Good Humor" and "Hallmark". Some have speculated that Conrad also made razors branded as "Permedge", "Cooper" and "Schaeffer". I'm speculating myself (in the "Unknown Razors" section) that perhaps Conrad also made the razor I describe there as being either "Klenzo" or perhaps "Royal Crown".

In any event, here's a rare and "well-made feeling" razor actually sold under the name "Conrad" (at least on the case, the razor itself has no branding).

I also include, in a following post, a photo of some other razors that are recognized as either being made by Conrad/Prybrand (2 "Barbasols" and a "Clix"), or are speculated to be made by them (being a "Permedge" and my "Klenzo/Royal Crown").

Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 1.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 2.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 3.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 4.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 5.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 6.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 7.JPG
Conrad 2 Piece OC Razor, 69g, USA 8.JPG
And here's the branded Conrad along with a Barbasol Floating Head, a Barbasol Non-Floating Head with Bakelite handle, a Clix, a Permedge and an unknown razor I'm calling "Klenzo" or "Royal Crown". All "Conrads"?

I mention above that perhaps a razor branded "Schaeffer" was also made by Conrad.

As some know, there were two Schaeffer branded razors. One took proprietary blades and was exactly like the Segal One-Piece Razor. Likely it was made by Segal.

The Schaeffer I show here is, as you can see, actually named the "Stream-Lined Schaeffer Razor". It was made by the Schaeffer Blade Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks to Matt, at Razor Emporium, for these photos of the box. This razor, despite the "warning" on the cap, does in fact take standard blades. Why there are notches on each corner of the cap is a mystery. Perhaps just to make the razor stand out from the competition? This razor appears to be very similar (exactly like) the bakelite-handled Barbasol razor generally thought to be made by Conrad. Both of them weigh in at the same 34 grams.

Schaeffer Razor, Like Bakelite Barbasol & Conrad, 34g, Takes Standard Blades, USA 1.JPG
Schaeffer Razor, Like Bakelite Barbasol & Conrad, 34g, Takes Standard Blades, USA 3.JPG
Schaeffer Razor, Like Bakelite Barbasol & Conrad, 34g, Takes Standard Blades, USA 4.JPG
Schaeffer Razor, Like Bakelite Barbasol & Conrad, 34g, Takes Standard Blades, USA 5.JPG
Schaeffer Razor, Like Bakelite Barbasol & Conrad, 34g, Takes Standard Blades, USA 6.JPG
Schaeffer 2.jpg
Schaeffer 1.jpg