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Coti Noob learning the rocks

IsaacRN said:
This may sound a bit odd, but I do want you to hear me out. I have spent a great deal of money on hones through the year. Like many people, I started with the Norton 4k/8k combo. I had bought a coticule for finishing the edge after the 8k but never had great success. I then bought an Escher to finish, and again never bothered to properly learn that technique as well.

I then moved up to the Shapton on glass. I have the 1k/4k/8k/16k hones. They are extraordinary in their ability to produce an edge. I do recommend them as a way to hone if your not doing the natural route. I had met Russell and talked to him and he recommended I buy a nice, more manageable La Petite Blanche hone. He then actually helped me to learn the Dilucot method. Before I started to figure out what was going on, he honed a few razors for me so that I might get the feel for a coticule edge.

Now, I usually suffer from what I would call pre ingrowns. The second day post shave the hairs tend to start going inward regardless of the type of edge. I usually have to preform facial scrubs to break the hairs free. Surprisingly, the coticule edge was a bit more mellow, but just as sharp. I didnt notice as many issues with these pre ingrowns. I can honestly say that other than the 1k Shapton, I only use a coticule. It provides a nice shave that rivals a 16k Shapton in my opinion.

It is important to play, play, and play often. I became a bit over confident while I was honing well, and put the stones down for a few months. When I came back, I basically had to put the training wheels back on the bike. I can still ride, but im not near where I was. It will return, but I need the practice.

There is something special about honing with a coticule or any natural stone. The smell the stone releases on my hones is wonderful. Its an earthy wet dirt smell, and makes you take a moment to realize that this is something the earth has produced and given up so that it might help out man with the task at hand.

Whatever you do, I do wish you the best of luck.

That's a great post! Thank you for sharing your honing history with us, Isaac.

Kind regards,
IsaacRN said:
Now, I usually suffer from what I would call pre ingrowns. The second day post shave the hairs tend to start going inward regardless of the type of edge. I usually have to preform facial scrubs to break the hairs free. Surprisingly, the coticule edge was a bit more mellow, but just as sharp. I didnt notice as many issues with these pre ingrowns. I can honestly say that other than the 1k Shapton, I only use a coticule. It provides a nice shave that rivals a 16k Shapton in my opinion.

I'm new to straight's... well to tell the truth yesterday was my second uncompleted shave whit a straight razor.

i've been reading alot in B&B ,SRP, and in here.. so i follow the advice and bougth 2 shave ready straight razors from forum members.

i have a very dry and sensitive skin and on top of that a strong beard... so i also have pre ingrowns if i shave against the grain.

after reading the forums i was happy to read that straights give you the best shave man can get.

my first shaving was a little tentative... i was very carefull and din't want to remove a steak from my face :D i had the impression the razor was not honed properly since there were alot of resistence, i thought maybe my beard was to long... a 5 day whit out shaving :blush: so i shaved whit my DE then i tried the straight was better but still alot of resistence from my wiskers... i was confuse, i dint know if it was me or the straight was not sharp enouf...

i'm 51 years old... so i know wen a razor in sharp...

i was expecting the second straigth i bougth ( solingen kuno halfmann ), i try it...well yesterday, and it was wurst then the first one :confused: so i went back to the first one again ( a joseph elliot, honed whit a few norton then a cuticule and then a ninowa said the seller ) it was better but not as sharp a my DE.

so i'm happy to know that the cuticules can really give a smooth shave if honed properly.

next step...i've got to get me one of thoses...:lol:
kessel113 said:
so i'm happy to know that the cuticules can really give a smooth shave if honed properly.

next step...i've got to get me one of thoses...:lol:
Maybe before jumping into coticules you can try the free razor honing service to see if a coticule edge is the way to go for you.
That said it's only something to give a thought and it won't do any harm athough I have to say I didn't do it maybe because I only had one razor at the time:huh:

kind regards
I did send an email... ;) that is a great oportunity to shave whit a perfect hone razor.

thanks to the forum. :thumbup:
I certainly would not expect to get a great shave from a "shave ready" razor no matter where it came from, unless from someone I personally knew. It is very much like the edges of most production knives that are horrible right from factory. Of course, some are better than others, but once you can produce an edge yourself, you will probably feel the same way.

A good straight razor shave is remarkably comfortable and a poor one is horrible. Soounds like you got the second. There are several gents here who will give you a professionally prepped edge and even they need to be stropped for best results if they have sat for any length of time.

Good luck on your quest. It is worth it. Sincerely, Denny
The other thing is a straight razor is differant to a de blade. De blades are wickedly sharp .
It took me a while to adapt from shavette to straight razor . The straight razor in my opinion is much more forgiving less brutal on your skin. i can shave every day with a straight razor, With a DE, I could not shave every day. De blade removes wisker and a layer of skin at the same time .Straight razor removes wiskers only,well especialy coticule edge. It may be your technique.To steeper angle will be uncomfortable. You need a very low angle less than 30 degrees. ATG i find even flater angle shaves much nicer. So just ajust your angle , if its no better then may be your razor is not quite there. Pull skin taught, good prep etc, and practice.

A good straight razor edge should give a very nice shave with out any irritation. Like some one said you could send your razor to bart or ralfy. I think that would be your best bet. Then they could test your edge . Then rehone razor for you .

Regards gary
I certainly would not expect to get a great shave from a "shave ready" razor no matter where it came from, unless from someone I personally knew.

It was expecting it since they personally told me they would honed it for me, and i had to wait more time in order to be shipped.
I'm the type of man that gives the benefit of the doubt...unfortunetly it dint turn out in both cases

It is very much like the edges of most production knives that are horrible right from factory. Of course, some are better than others, but once you can produce an edge yourself, you will probably feel the same way.

A good straight razor shave is remarkably comfortable and a poor one is horrible. Soounds like you got the second. There are several gents here who will give you a professionally prepped edge and even they need to be stropped for best results if they have sat for any length of time.

Good luck on your quest. It is worth it. Sincerely, Denny

I stropped the joseph elliot before my second shave it was better but still not what i call sharp wen it pull your wiskers like a dull blade.
I have a J Elliot "silver ring" and it is a very very smooth shaver
Why not pop it in the post to me? I will send it back wonderfully sharp and smooth, and it will only cost you shipping.

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
garyhaywood said:
The other thing is a straight razor is differant to a de blade. De blades are wickedly sharp .
It took me a while to adapt from shavette to straight razor . The straight razor in my opinion is much more forgiving less brutal on your skin. i can shave every day with a straight razor, With a DE, I could not shave every day. De blade removes wisker and a layer of skin at the same time .Straight razor removes wiskers only,well especialy coticule edge. It may be your technique.To steeper angle will be uncomfortable. You need a very low angle less than 30 degrees. ATG i find even flater angle shaves much nicer. So just ajust your angle , if its no better then may be your razor is not quite there. Pull skin taught, good prep etc, and practice.

A good straight razor edge should give a very nice shave with out any irritation. Like some one said you could send your razor to bart or ralfy. I think that would be your best bet. Then they could test your edge . Then rehone razor for you .

Regards gary

I can shave everyday whit a De...but it will burn my skin.
i'm sure my technique... well... i dont have a technique yet :)

my first shave i pretty much an a 0 angle since i was some what tentative, then i gradually change the angle since it was not removing any wiskers... i've read about the 30º angle and look at different videos about shaving and was watching the angles closely... around the 30º angle it is what works best... but still it is pulling my wiskers like a dull DE or a dull multi cartrige blade.

i did sent an email to bart on the offer for a honing test...only then i will be able to really see the difference.

i also ordered some crox .50 to paste my strop and tried to have some what a decent shave.

thanks for the info guys.

best regards
Adri the crox leaves the edge a lot lot harsher than a Coticule my friend, I imagine it will leave your skin with plenty enough burn after a shave or two

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)
kessel113 said:
I did send an email... ;) that is a great oportunity to shave whit a perfect hone razor.

thanks to the forum. :thumbup:
Hi Kessel113,

Welcome to,
You'll find a weird, yet extremely helpful bunch of good guys over here.
I'm not sure to whom you've send that e-mail, but if it was to me, I didn't receive it.
If you need to have those razors sharpened, just use the free honing service. (It's also in the menu on top of the page).
Learning how to shave with a dull razor is like learning how to swim with a block of concrete tied at your feet. It won't work. :D

Kind regards,
tat2Ralfy said:
I have a J Elliot "silver ring" and it is a very very smooth shaver
Why not pop it in the post to me? I will send it back wonderfully sharp and smooth, and it will only cost you shipping.

Best regards
Ralfson (Dr)

Thank you for the offer Dr Ralfson

very generous of you.
heres my contact []Click here[/mail]

Best regards
Bart said:
kessel113 said:
I did send an email... ;) that is a great oportunity to shave whit a perfect hone razor.

thanks to the forum. :thumbup:
Hi Kessel113,

Welcome to,
You'll find a weird, yet extremely helpful bunch of good guys over here.
I'm not sure to whom you've send that e-mail, but if it was to me, I didn't receive it.
If you need to have those razors sharpened, just use the free honing service. (It's also in the menu on top of the page).
Learning how to shave with a dull razor is like learning how to swim with a block of concrete tied at your feet. It won't work. :D

Kind regards,

:lol: I did realise that.

thank you for your welcome.
i've been reading for a while and know there are many great knowlegeable posters allways ready to help others...and share their techniques and experiences.

yes i did send it to your contact in the free honing service... thank you again for the offer, i just reply to the good doctor whit my contact.

thanks again
best regards
kessel113 said:
garyhaywood said:
The other thing is a straight razor is differant to a de blade. De blades are wickedly sharp .
It took me a while to adapt from shavette to straight razor . The straight razor in my opinion is much more forgiving less brutal on your skin. i can shave every day with a straight razor, With a DE, I could not shave every day. De blade removes wisker and a layer of skin at the same time .Straight razor removes wiskers only,well especialy coticule edge. It may be your technique.To steeper angle will be uncomfortable. You need a very low angle less than 30 degrees. ATG i find even flater angle shaves much nicer. So just ajust your angle , if its no better then may be your razor is not quite there. Pull skin taught, good prep etc, and practice.

A good straight razor edge should give a very nice shave with out any irritation. Like some one said you could send your razor to bart or ralfy. I think that would be your best bet. Then they could test your edge . Then rehone razor for you .

Regards gary

I can shave everyday whit a De...but it will burn my skin.
i'm sure my technique... well... i dont have a technique yet :)

my first shave i pretty much an a 0 angle since i was some what tentative, then i gradually change the angle since it was not removing any wiskers... i've read about the 30º angle and look at different videos about shaving and was watching the angles closely... around the 30º angle it is what works best... but still it is pulling my wiskers like a dull DE or a dull multi cartrige blade.

i did sent an email to bart on the offer for a honing test...only then i will be able to really see the difference.

i also ordered some crox .50 to paste my strop and tried to have some what a decent shave.

thanks for the info guys.

best regards

sounds like its defantley not sharp. When you get your razor back from ralfy, i'm sure you will shave every day with out any burn.

cheers gary
tat2Ralfy said:
Email sent

Many thanks and welcome from me too
best wishes
Ralfson (Dr)

Email received

thank you so much i really appreciate the welcome and the great favor of honing my razor.:thumbup:


sounds like its defantley not sharp. When you get your razor back from ralfy, i'm sure you will shave every day with out any burn.

cheers gary[/quote]

No it's not sharp Gary... it's some what frustrating wen you wait weeks for your first straight so you can experience what others are describing as the best shave...

you have some time to read a lot and appreciate all the preparation and the rituals of straight shaving... then wen finally you receive your razor and you prepare for that moment you are waiting for weeks... all the excitement goes down the drain real quick wen you realize something wrong.:confused:

and on top of that wen you received the second straight it is wurst the the first one. :D

oh well the excitement is still there for that first real straight shave.:love:

This hobby is like a Japanese rock garden, Adri. It is never really complete and you find something new with each new visit. Welcome. Denny

p.s. Be careful if you do a TPT with Ralfy's honing, he has a cigar box full of thumbs in the back room he proudly displays.
This hobby is like a Japanese rock garden, Adri. It is never really complete and you find something new with each new visit. Welcome. Denny

p.s. Be careful if you do a TPT with Ralfy's honing, he has a cigar box full of thumbs in the back room he proudly displays.

Thank you Denny

i'm really enjoying the reading and all theses techniques... the constant search for the perfect shave... and mostly all the sharing of info in the forum and on top of that it's made whit some humour. B)

as for the TPT :D i'll make sure to do it whit that in mind.;)