http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Honing <- Looks like Bart's images are now famous. Congratulations.
www.Coticule.be said:All rights reserved. Courtesy of www.Coticule.be. No use without permission.
Bart said:The article is not mine. Our member Richmondesi asked permission to use my illustrations for the wiki of Badger&Blade.
Which I granted. For me the reward is in the fact that people might find them helpful.
I 'm neither interested in money nor in fame. I just asked Paul to place a link to Coticule.be where ever he feels that might be useful for the reader.
Kind regards,
The technically sound way of doing that is to use the cite extension for Mediawiki. The recommended citation methods for Mediawikis are also laid out in great detail on Wikipedia's website. I have always considered it minimum courtesy to adhere to those for the articles in our Wiki. That said, however, I feel utterly disinclined to offer any further help after this article by the forum owner. But that is neither here nor there.richmondesi said:The wiki article is still a work in progress and I've not had a chance to really get it worked out well. There will be links by every .gif and a special recognition for your graciously accommodating the request.
BeBerlin said:Incidentally, I really like the idea of a pool for specialised knowledge like coticule.be, as I think it is the best, and most efficient, way of gathering knowledge on one subject. I still find the idea of attempting to copy SRP's Wiki elsewhere rather idiosyncratic. Or, maybe, "fitting".
mitchshrader said:I'm a bit startled at how welcoming you've been to a novice, in fact. Where's the snarky cold shoulder any amateur expects? Don't you have any standards at ALL?![]()
StraightRazorDave said:mitchshrader said:I'm a bit startled at how welcoming you've been to a novice, in fact. Where's the snarky cold shoulder any amateur expects? Don't you have any standards at ALL?![]()
Who are you to say we don't have any standards?? This is all coming from a newb??!!: Just joking.