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Creating patina on carbon razors


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a weird question, I have a Wade and Butcher "the Celebrated", it's in very good condition, high polish. However I can't help being drawn to the used patina look. I've achieved this in the past on some of my old carbon steel knives like my friedr. herder below using vinegar or lemon juice It also protects the knife from rust.

Is there any advice you can off, is this a bad idea to do that to my razors and if not a bad idea or you've done it in the past, what advice would you offer. The friedr. Herder patina doesn't come out well on the photo but it's that aged look I'm trying to achieve. Thanks.
It will develop in time when you just wipe it clean after shaving. Depending on how humid it is in your area this is ok. If it is very wet, oil your razors, because otherwise they'll rust instead of develop patina.
It will develop in time when you just wipe it clean after shaving. Depending on how humid it is in your area this is ok. If it is very wet, oil your razors, because otherwise they'll rust instead of develop patina.
That is also kind of part of the issue. I live about 50 mtrs from the sea. I keep all my razors well oiled for that reason and letting the patina develop naturally might be unwise with the salty air here. I understood that the magnetite (the grey patina type) which is superficial, would also offer some protection against hematite (the rust we don't want) I would try on another razor first before I tried it on my prized W&B, but I do really fancy the aged look.