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Deciding among two coticules


I'm having a hard time trying to decide what coticule to buy for a friend. He thinks that because I have one I'm a kind of an expert, but nothing so far from the true, hahaha. This time I have two cotis to choose from. Can you help me identify layers? thanks again, they seems very similar to me:


Tough choice there. Without being able to try them first to see which is faster I prefer combination stones so that would be my first choice unless the second stone was much faster or a better finisher. I edited my original post after I missed the glue line I now see.
The first one appears to be a La Nouvelle Veine. I think to see it's a natural combo? (hard to tell from the picture).
The second one is glued to slate, I think. Looks like a La Dressante.

They would both do a great job. If the price is the same, I would go for the natural combo (if I'm right about it being one).
Otherwise it won't matter. Without being able to actually try these, it is impossible to determine which one would be faster (the only significant difference, in my opinion). La Dressante and La Nouvelle Veine both vary speed wise.

Kind regards,
Both cotis are slate glued, so I bougth the pinky one. Here there are some pics with my La Grise and a small bout for slurry:





And here is my cat, Robespierre, trying to steal the show!


The pinky coti seems much faster, specially on water, than the La Grise. I don't have more cotis to compare, but or my La Grise is dead slow, or this La Dressante (??) is really fast!
I think your La Grise is a La Verte which explains why it is slow. Still a great coticule though that produces some very nice edges as you should already know.
There was some problems with the white balance of the pics when I request an ID on that stone
here, when Bart dictamined that it was a La Grise.

I guess that the pics I've post today have its colors more accurate, and perhaps you are right, its a La Verte. Its really slow specially on water, you need a good amount of work to get good results.

I'm really impressed with the pinky one. A fast dilution and about 30-40 X-strokes on water, just to try the stone, and the edge from the coti right before linen/leather was as good, if not better, than I was getting with that La Verte after stropping.
The other pics are harder to tell but it really looks like La Verte in these pics. Funny what a little change in lighting can do.