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Dilucot issues.

Just catching up with this thread, it seems very encouraging, but I have a few questions to ask too.

On my new small 125 x 30mm stones, I seem to lose almost all the slurry I have created over the edge of the stone after a couple of rounds of half strokes or X-strokes meaning that I usually need to refresh the slurry before the bevel has been set. I don't think I can be sure that this new slurry isn't dulling my previous work.

Are there any tips for keeping the slurry on a small stone? And would I be better off only adding a little water when the stone gets a little dry while trying to set a bevel rather than create more slurry?

Any help thankfully received!

Create a small amount Of slurry pushing it from one side of the stone to another, I'm working with elliptical motions so is not poured from outside.Do not produse fresh slurry in the middle of the process,this turns stages to the back.
Best regards
Hey guys... I ran into a honing challenge with a Frederick Reynolds faux frameback wedge tonight. I used the same dilucot procedure that I used successfully before, but this razor ended up not so sharp... with some pulling during the shave.

When I take it back to the coticule tomorrow, should I start over at bevel setting stage, or just go straight to water?
well... if it was my razor, I'd simply go back to a very, very, light slurry, and work out a nice slow steady dilution from there.
It's sometimes counterproductive, IMHO, to dull the edge, instead, I often look for incremental gains with each honing session with a stubborn blade.
I've learned to not underestimate the power of lots of patient x-strokes on water alone, too.

edit: sorry. i miss-read that, and only afterwards did i realize you didn't mention the down-stroke.
Thanks, Chris... I considered starting back in at the dilution phase, but I was afraid it would be counter productive if I jumped in at the wrong stage of the game.

So, tomorrow I will start with a very mild slurry and do a few dilutions, then will be a bit more patient on the water as well.

I'm not sure why, but my first few runs on the coticule I had great success, but the last two razors I have tried to hone have given me a lot of trouble. Tonight I tried to hone a Heljestrand #7 and couldn't get it sharp at all. Maybe I just tried two really tough razors? I haven't changed the technique at all.

I guess I will try unicot tomorrow with the Heljestrand.
Some days you hone the razor, and other days, it hones you.

Practice, practice practice. It's really the only cure, IMHO.
I think the swedish steel might be a bit harder than most razors so maybe adding a few more extra passes would help.