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Edge Refinementt


Well-Known Member
I am receiving a new stone from Gary and was reading in the Vault, trying to find some information on the layer and came across a stone (003) that is very fast on both slurry and water, but had slow edge refinement. I always thought that the speed was referring to the edge refinement. Can a stone be fast and have slow edge refinement?

I was still pretty fixed on the dilution stage of my honing at that time. It was also before the "improved" Dilucot procedure with halfstrokes, some pressure,etc.

I suspect that the stone had enough slurry dulling to demand precise and slow dilution at the end of the dilution process.

The original thread Gary started about it, contains some good markers about its use (as long as you realize we weren't using the improved Dilucot):

Kind regards,
Thanks, Bart. Not having been around for the "old" dilucot, it doesn't cross my mind that there was an evolution, though it is perfectly logical. Thanks.
Thanks, Bart. Not having been around for the "old" dilucot, it doesn't cross my mind that there was an evolution, though it is perfectly logical. Thanks.
You can't imagine how much I have learned about Coticule honing since I started

Kind regards,
Oh non,c'est pas possible.Denny a commence a parler français.:thumbup:
Best regards