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Enders Blade Adapter

Male it at a cost of 19.99$ and sell it with a nice purpusly aged cardboard for 1200$.
Actually, there is no need for 3d printing for that. It can be done manually.
Yes, all I need is a sheet metal press and a lot of skills I don't yet have (like actually making the dies)
It would say 'made by riverrun' in tiny letters somewhere on the bottom of the solid plate, where it is difficult to spot :rofl

Right, I found my design files, my lovely and pretty orange Enders Speed, some old non-functional blade adapters for reference and a box full of magnets (probably not the right size).
This should be easy. Especially on a printer that can print 0.06mm layers.
And I know where the Proline blades are. All sorted.

P.S.: $1200 you must be kidding... definitely more with the fake milk glass 3D printed handle made from resin and polished.
Mind you... I'll have access to a laser cutter as well... Maybe brass is even easier... Thinking... :rolleyes:
This makes the most sense to me, but in stainless steel rather than brass.
Two pieces, silver soldered together so that you have the "stop" ridge and then use epoxy to attach the magnets.
This makes the most sense to me, but in stainless steel rather than brass.
Two pieces, silver soldered together so that you have the "stop" ridge and then use epoxy to attach the magnets.
Stainless steel is probably not bendy enough. The side tongues need to be bendy.
And with all the soldering malarkey they will cost $30.
I try to stick with 3D printing and super glue. My old designs are easily adapted:
(An extra magnet for good measure and extra grip, or maybe a rectangular magnet)


I have received the adapter from Hendrix and it works nicely (with a Proline blade)
Now I'm more determined than ever to finish my own blade adapter project. :)
I now have access to a very good 3D printer. I just need to find the time.
That is cool. Glad you have access to a very good 3D printer.
That is cool. Glad you have access to a very good 3D printer.
I joined a "Makerspace" just over a week ago.
The scary thing is that they have a CNC machine as well.
I have to talk Tom into giving me the files for the Bunny or the original TNNSER :rofl Not really.
They don't have a machine for pressing/forming sheet metal, otherwise, I could make my own improved lather catchers...
(Working with modern GEM blades without adapters)
I would not know where to start though, but that has never stopped me before.
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I joined a "Makerspace" just over a week ago.
The scary thing is that they have a CNC machine as well.
I have to talk Tom into giving me the files for the Bunny or the original TNNSER :rofl Not really.
They don't have a machine for pressing/forming sheet metal, otherwise, I could make my own improved lather catchers...
(Working with modern GEM blades without adapters)
I would not know where to start though, but that has never stopped me before.
Why wouldn't Tom give you the files? He doesn't want to build them, doesn't want to licence them. What's his logic?
Why wouldn't Tom give you the files? He doesn't want to build them, doesn't want to licence them. What's his logic?
He might, but I don't want to get into the CNC rabbit hole too. So I won't even ask if he would.
I currently have 7 rabbits to chase down their holes before I can even think of adding more patents to
It's that bad without spending weeks learning and perfecting CNC skills.