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February 5th - February 11th


RAZOR: Design94 Titanium
BLADE: Feather
BRUSH: Spiffo! "Castillo" African Blackwood 24mm HMW SHD Fan
LATHER: OSP Old Gold Shaving Soap (Old‌ ‌Spice‌ clone)
POST: B&M ‌Reserve‌ ‌Spice‌ Aftershave Splash (Old‌ ‌Spice‌ clone)
POST: Old‌ ‌Spice‌ ‌Cologne‌ ‌Original‌
Razor: REX Envoy
Blade: Voskhod
Soap: TOBS Eton College Collection
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Aqua High mountain Silvertip Badger Hair Shaving Brush
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand Alum with the beautiful nice blue feet
Aftershave: Balea Men Fresh Aftershave
Aftershave: De Vergulde Hand aftershave balm