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February 9 - February 15

Ikon Standard RR Handle
Personna Lab Blue
Cella Aloe Vera Shave Cream
Yaqi Sagrada Familiar Synthetic
RR Caribbean Holiday Aftershave
Standard RR handle.JPG
Razor: RazoRock Game Changer 0.84P
Blade: Astra Green
Soap: Figaro
Brush: Yaqi Barber Pole Style 24mm Two Band Badger Knot Shaving Brush
Aftershave: Extro 1923 Aftershave
Aftershave: Extro 1923 Crema

Thursday Shave
RAZOR: Blackland Sabre Level 2
BLADE: Personna Coated Gem
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. 24mm Multicolor G5C Synthetic
LATHER: Mondial Tobacco Verde Shaving Cream
POST: Alt-Innsbruck Eau De Cologne Aftershave
POST: Myrurgia Agua De Colonia 1916 Original EDC

Thursday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
b-pure Shave Soap
Jayaruh #18 Silvertip Badger
Merkur 37c Slant
Gillette Silver Blue Blade
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Aqua Velva 5 in 1 ASB

The b-pure Shave Soap lathered well with Jayaruh #18 Silvertip Badger Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Merkur 37c Slant razor and the Gillette Silver Blue Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Aqua Velva 5 in 1 ASB. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

Friday Shave
RAZOR: Shield Predator Titanium Gem Razor
BLADE: Personna Coated Gem
BRUSH: Zingari Man 26mm SHD Manchurian Badger
LATHER: Pre‌ ‌de‌ ‌Provence‌ ‌No.‌ ‌63‌ ‌shave‌ ‌soap‌
POST: Ethos Mélange d’agrumes Skin Food Splash

Friday's Cold Water Shave

Cold Water Rinse
b-pure Shave Soap
Jayaruh #18 Silvertip Badger Brush
Merkur 37c Slant
Gillette Silver Blue Blade
Humphrey's Witch Hazel
Aqua Velva 5 in 1 ASB

The b-pure Shave Soap lathered well with Jayaruh #18 Silvertip Badger Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Merkur 37c Slant razor and the Gillette Silver Blue Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Aqua Velva 5 in 1 ASB. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...

Saturday Shave
RAZOR: Mergess Adjustable Razor @3
BLADE: Personna Lab Blue
BRUSH: AP Shave Co. Orange Resin 24mm 2BED Synthetic
LATHER: Valobra Patchouly Triple Milled Shaving Soap
POST: Declaration Grooming Yuzu Rose Patchouli Aftershave
POST: Myrurgia Agua De Colonia 1916 Original EDC