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Feedback software upgrade & new template



this is a thread in which we can discus the softwareupgarde, the new template and bugs after the upgrade.

So please go ahead...
Didn't do nothing. Mr Admin Dirk did all the work.

But you decided the template! :buana

I was not able to decide between the different template options but Richard and the moderators of the German FdR, like a rock in the sea, calm and secure, did not become insecure with so many different template options, no matter what I showed them or how often I asked. They always picked this one. :bier1
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Question: next to the moon/lightbulb is a pictogram which in my case displays 477 in a red rectangle. What’s that and how do I get rid of that?
Pardon my ignorance in advance...
Question: next to the moon/lightbulb is a pictogram which in my case displays 477 in a red rectangle. What’s that and how do I get rid of that?
Pardon my ignorance in advance...
those are the number of unread posts. either you read everything, or you select "forums" and in the dropdown select "mark everyting read"