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Funken "471" Italian Razor


Well-Known Member
Here's a nice Funken razor, from Italy (ha ha..).

It appears to be an older version. I've seen this particular model referred to as the "471". Some newer versions have a different handle that has a more commonly found look.

I thought that it might need to be re-plated when I purchased it as it didn't look too good. But, it cleaned up not too badly. I used a toothbrush and dish soap, gave it an ultrasonic bath, tried the baking soda "trick", and finally gave it a light Simichrome polish. The photos do show some pitting, but this is not noticeable in person.

It's got silver plating (I believe) and weighs 58 grams. The plate of the razor looks to my eye quite "tech-like", but with a little Italian flair added. I haven't tried it yet.

Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 1.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 2.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 3.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 4.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 5.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 6.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 7.JPG
Funken Razor, 58g, Italy 8.JPG