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Happy New Year

Happy New Year Guys!

I hope all of you are blessed with new friendships, have the patience to face diversities and the courage to meet the challenges ahead.

Good Luck to ALL of you

After getting some bad news from a friend I was suprised at how this little thread managed to put a smile on my face!

Happy new year everyone!

I wish you all the best.
Happy 2010.
May your loved ones stay safe and well.
May your razor shave smooth.
May your coffee be strong.
And your mind mellow.

Thank you very much,sir,but now there's the problem of keeping me quiet.:) And if I could just learn how to spell correctly.
BabyDom said:
Thank you very much,sir,but now there's the problem of keeping me quiet.:) And if I could just learn how to spell correctly.

hahaha I noticed that .... lol