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Has anyone seen this thread at SRP?


Well-Known Member
First I have to point out it is not my intention to cross forums here, or be disrespectful to anybody in anyway, if anyone is offended by this is anyway I can only say sorry, Others members of this forum including myself have added posts in the thread. and 1 or 2 respected members of SRP who I dont think contribute here.

My point is, WTF? is there a little misinformation here? am I missing something or is it just me that feels maybe 1 or 2 on there (not Jimmy, Gary, Sir Bart, myself etc) are missing the point about Coticules?

I wanted to post again about this over there, but feel I lack any recognised authority, 1 guy is using his coti with water to finish the edge then going to his "finishing hone" instead of just the strop.
I dunno what its all about, to me the amount of information available when I started with Coticules left no mystery.

Anyway if you want to check it out the link is here:

(on a side note, see how I got my disclaimer in as I posted this, I run a non shaving related community and on there I would have just put "what the F@ck is all this about!") hahahahahahaha
Hmm... There's this problems with this guy who has convinced himself that you can't get a good shave of a Coticule. He is addicted to purchasing hones and he seems to take pride in that addiction. It's my guess that it's difficult for him to accept the idea that you could possibly hone a razor on just one hone and get premium results. When I first posted about the Unicot method, he became quite hostile. He was not the only one having difficulties folding his brain around one-hone-sharpening. Internet forums can be quite conservative: some long-time members can be more worried about their status and respond with defense or even aggression to new and/or dissident ideas. At the time, I left SRP with a slamming door and have been banned for a while over there. (Actually that is where the idea originated for building

After things calmed down, I was asked if I would be interested in a return to the SRP forums. Human conflicts do happen. We just need to be capable of turning a page sometimes. I have accepted that the aforementioned guy will never truly embrace Coticules for the versatile hones they are. It's a bit sad that he can't accept other people having success with them. I've stopped responding to it.

Let people with a "my way or the highway" attitude undermine their own authority. They generally don't require help in doing that.:rolleyes:

Now, about the heart of the matter:

Finishing on a Coticule with water, and then going to another finisher is absurd. Nothing wrong with using another finishing hone than a Coticule, but in that case there is no point in finishing on the Coticule first. Doing the Unicot method, for instance, you can replace the last step (Coticule with water) by any other finishing hone, such as an Escher, Nakayama, Shapton 16K or 30K, Naniwa Chosera 10K, etcetera... But there's no point in using them all, since the last one will wipe away the effect of all others.

Of course, you can finish on your Coticule, test shave, and then refinish on another hone for the sake of comparison. If you want to do that in a meaningful way, I recommend refinishing a third time on the first finisher, for ruling out the possible effect of additional laps. (There should be no difference between shave 1 and 3, IF you 'd honed well).

Concerning the 1 of every 1000 Coticules that can match a Nakayama edge.. You are are extremely lucky basterds, that I have only Coticules in the Vault that are capable of doing just that.:w00t::lol:

Sir Bart, you do make me laugh my friend...:lol:

I started my online community (Handmade Tattoo Machine Builders) after My mentor at the time and I were banned from the then exclusive, one we were members of. I spent all the next day and night setting it up and then sent out private invitations to a group of 5 like minded Builders who became V.I.P members, membership is by invite only, and most of the members we have recruited are banned from the other 1 now!

Yeah I figured some self serving fear based shit was involved with the honing thread, thats why I didnt post again, I pointed the OP at this place and its up to him.

I agree as always with everything you say about the Honing, thing I dont get is: Surely basic common sense would tell them they are going the wrong way about it????
Oh wait a minute, thats why they dont get it I

Best wishes to you Sir Bart, and Stumpy of course, whatever you do DO NOT let him see this, He has been through enough already:

That was my old natural combo stone realy nice coticule i sold it because i don't use blue much now and i also have another 5x3 natural combo but also because i am so happy with my coti nu 3 from the vault. i have read the thread i'm not sure who you are on about but at a guess i would say hi bud he's had ago at me for absalute nothing on a coti thread and started going on about barbers hone the thread was a coticule question not a barbers hone. Never mind but i find he is very anti coticule and reckon there is limit on coti and thats it, thats what he told me and i believed him. Not now for ovious reason's. He thinks he has the best coticule in the whole wide world because he's brought at least a thousand maybe by a thousand cotis he actualy learn't how to use them to there full patential.
The only thing i dont get is that Hi Bud seems like an all right guy? and the guy that bought yours is never gonna see the full potential of it if He follows opinions and advice like that. I mean the guy is down as a mentor for christsake.

Oh yeah thats 2 things...hahaha
I'll be onest i have read his threads and he get quite agreesive. I like reading all the post i'd never pull some one if i did'nt agree with what they say. I think like my self i brought many differant hones and i used some hones when i did'nt need to but felt i had to get them all involved or i'd wasted my money. when i first got my coticule i was getting the worst less keenest edges ever. reason being i was trying to shave of slurry no wonder but at the time i did'nt no it baffled me so much. Why because every one raved how good they were. I never gave up on coti reason why i liked honing on this hone better than any other hone i got. Listening to bart got me fantastic edges and still people were saying you won't get as sharp as say 16k sharton etc but i get as good as it gets i sold all my hones excert my 1k/4k/8knorton which i don't use. All i use now is dmt1200 my favourite coticule and paste if i feel the need thats it so my advice to any one is just get a coticule and a good strop and join
Bart said:
Finishing on a Coticule with water, and then going to another finisher is absurd. Nothing wrong with using another finishing hone than a Coticule, but in that case there is no point in finishing on the Coticule first.

This is the point I was talking about earlier. I think people just use their stones so that they feel like they are getting a use out of them. If you're never going to FINISH on that new FINISHING stone you just bought then why even get it?

Bart said:
Concerning the 1 of every 1000 Coticules that can match a Nakayama edge.. You are are extremely lucky basterds, that I have only Coticules in the Vault that are capable of doing just that.:w00t::lol:
I never see eye to eye with this guy. :lol: He can barely speak English anyway so sometimes it's hard to understand him. Yes, all hail Bart! Bringer of the Coticule, and teacher of its uses. :lol: In all seriousness, thanks a bunch dude!

garyhaywood said:
i have read the thread i'm not sure who you are on about but at a guess i would say hi bud he's had ago at me for absalute nothing on a coti thread and started going on about barbers hone the thread was a coticule question not a barbers hone.

The nerve of that guy! I saw that, and made my one and only post on SRP (my handle is ChickenBurrito). The OP was asking about touch ups on a coticule, and he starts ranting on about how it's inappropriate to touch up on anything besides a barbers hone!

garyhaywood said:
He thinks he has the best coticule in the whole wide world because he's brought at least a thousand maybe by a thousand cotis he actualy learn't how to use them to there full patential.

:lol: You just have to laugh at that. He always says that, and it makes him seem like he lacks skills. "i bougt thosand cotis and they all sucked but 1 i dont now english"

tat2Ralfy said:
Dead Right Garry Mate
Pherhaps He has a small Pee Pee?

:thumbup: Or maybe he likes sticking barber hones up his butt.

Sorry, this seems inappropriate. I usually don't like trash talking about people behind their backs.

well ya know its better out than in, besides we are just bitchin', and the guy does seem a little arogant.
and now you mention it Justin his English is a little vague, altho' TBH out of all of us on here the guy with the best English Grammatically speaking, doesn't even have English as his first language! hahahaha (flemish? Dutch? dunno?)

My point was that the op wasnt getting what I would consider good advice, the poor sods sat there surrounded by more hones than a drummer at an Emerson lake and Palmer Concert, when all he needs as Gary said is something coarse e.g. norton 1k, dmt, wet and dry paper in 1000 grit if needs be, etc etc, His coticule and a good strop, that coupled with GOOD advice and a little lesson in technique.
:lol: So true! Some people just have a way with words, and I'm not one of them. It doesn't matter if I'm well read, or how much education I have. That's what you get from living in NC and Northern MI. :lol:

At least he's going in the right direction. If he's smart he'll figure it out on his own, or he might come over here and get things straight. This isn't to say that the Coticule is the only way to go. I just think that people should know how to use each hone properly, then they can decide which route they want to go.
tat2Ralfy said:
The poor sods sat there surrounded by more hones than a drummer at an Emerson lake and Palmer Concert,(...)

Ralfy, there hasn't been a day gone by ever since you signed up that you haven't made me laugh out loud. :D Thank you, mate.

(trying to put my face in line) But seriously, gentlemen. This whole thread has drifted a bit from the respectful tone I had in mind for our little virtual pub here. Sham (hi_bud_gl) is Russian by origin. He does his best expressing himself in English. Let's respect him for that. I also understand that he has a very helpful attitude in assisting fellow straight shavers with their honing. I am sure that he knows how to put a great edge on a razor. Sure, in my opinion, he has a hard time grasping that other people might do things differently and he is obstinate about his beliefs. But that DOES NOT make him a bad person in deserve of our disrespect.

I would like to propose that we remove this thread. We all had a chance to get things of our chest, which is a good thing and I thank you guys for it. But this conversation needs not to be saved for future generations, imho.
I you all can agree with a removal, I 'll delete the thread.
If not, I'll leave it up.

Kind regards,
Bart said:
I would like to propose that we remove this thread. We all had a chance to get things of our chest, which is a good thing and I thank you guys for it. But this conversation needs not to be saved for future generations, imho.
I you all can agree with a removal, I 'll delete the thread.
Thanks :thumbup:
You're right Bart. That info clears things up. I think his cause is genuine and he really just wants to help people out. I vote for closing the thread, it doesn't support the mission of this site.
yes i think we all no sham and yes its best to delete this thread as it may upset him and we might get banned from srp
I was about to enter my comments.... but you my friends said it all so well.
