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Hello fromHannover Germany

Hannover, been there a few times. Beautiful city.

Welcome in our little, quiet but pleasant corner of the shavingworld!
Yes it is a nice town. I life close to it. My hometown is Salzgitter, something like 40km from Hannover.
Do you have an archive or something with informations on shaving items, like Patent D.R.G.M and trademark infos?
Thank you very much, that is a great side. I need to find some more time to look around. But that is not really what I ment.
I send an article to Walid and he liked it very much.


  • Rasolett-2021-1.jpg
    65.2 KB · Views: 13
Thank you, yes I'll have a look around. Its not only safety razors, a lot more
Yes it is a nice town. I life close to it. My hometown is Salzgitter, something like 40km from Hannover.
Do you have an archive or something with informations on shaving items, like Patent D.R.G.M and trademark infos?
German DRGM and trademark info is mostly unavailable.
The German patent office in Berlin was bombed to bits in 1945 with most documents lost.
What's left has never been properly put online.
The German Patentamt ( has a lot of stuff on microfiche, but they still haven't digitized much (if any) of it.
A trip to Munich is your best bet I'm afraid.
German DRGM and trademark info is mostly unavailable.
The German patent office in Berlin was bombed to bits in 1945 with most documents lost.
What's left has never been properly put online.
The German Patentamt ( has a lot of stuff on microfiche, but they still haven't digitized much (if any) of it.
A trip to Munich is your best bet I'm afraid.
You're right, the German Patent Office in Berlin was bombed in 1945. However, most of the documents were outsourced before bombing to avoid destruction. The Harz Mountains, a low mountain range near my home, were often used to store valuable documents, art, etc. There are a lot of old mountain tunnels there. See the Clooney movie Monuments Man. After the war, the D.R.G.M. files were never found. Maybe they are in some archive in the USA or Russia, or are still there, but nobody knows.

Not much, if anything, is available digitally. The same goes for trademarks.

It always annoyed me to get a razor or another thing with a D.R.G.M. number and not know what the number means. But what can still be researched are the D.R.G.M. applications. They contain the numbers, who registered, the place of residence and what was registered. The same applies to trademarks.

For cost reasons, manufacturers have not always patented, but have registered the cheaper DRGM or even cheaper as a trademark.

Ultimately, with a little effort, you can still search today. But you know how to read the old German text for documents before 1910 or so.
Hello from Hannover, Germany
I live in Salzgitter a smaller town between Hannover and Braunschweig.

My collecting areas are old sharpening stones for razors. Over the years I have also built up a collection of D.R.P patents, D.R.G.M applications and trademark applications for razors, razor blade sharpeners etc. up to around 1935.

I also like the old Honda CB750 K models, manufactured from 1969 - 76
