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Hi from Portugal


Active Member

I'm a Head shaver from Portugal.
Been head shaving for 5 years.
I use soaps/creams and brush but I still don't use safety razors or SEs in my head.
Still searching for that perfect razor to use in the head (and more recently in the face)

I'm excited to be part of this community.
Welcome. Head shaver for a very long time here. It all works, DE, SE, straights, shavettes, it's just practice.

May I suggest one of these, or a reasonable facsimile of one:


In ancient Japan, the Samurai and Buddhist monks used these type implements to shave their heads. The way I am balding, I might also one day. ;)

May I suggest one of these, or a reasonable facsimile of one:

View attachment 9366

In ancient Japan, the Samurai and Buddhist monks used these type implements to shave their heads. The way I am balding, I might also one day. ;)

I'm extremely interested in shavettes. Not so much in straights, because of the maintenance, etc. Now shaving with them is another story.
Btw, I just bought a Spanish shavette that seems to be a folding version of the Zazor.