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Honing with my BBW

If anyone bothered to spend a few seconds searcing this site,you would have found this:


I read the report a few weeks ago, I'm just more flabbergasted at how well it performs in feel and result even though they said it in the report, that and the price difference, makes it very appealing to me as a honing stone. I've just checked my local vendor and they've upped the price of their BBW's by 20%, I think its the new hot stone!

If anyone bothered to spend a few seconds searcing this site,you would have found this:


I've read the study you are referring to a long time ago. I think we all have.
Does reading and understanding this study mean that we shouldn't be discussing our own finds and preferences?


I've just noticed throughout this whole thread that we haven't mentioned the report once, which is strange since it is a BBW thread :rolleyes:
I've read the study you are referring to a long time ago. I think we all have.
Does reading and understanding this study mean that we shouldn't be discussing our own finds and preferences?

Not at all.But sometimes it might be worth excamining the emperical data thats available ;-)

And then continue the conversation..

But this is an interresting thread,though most have been covered earlier.

But the BBW is a very capable hone, however it`s seems to be regarded as a second rate hone. Thats not unlikely because of it availability and modest price. It`s just not sophisticated enough ;-)

Hi Torbs,

I, like the others here have also read the document - and a good piece of work it surely is, if a little scientific and weighty for the purposes of actually honing your own razor on a piece of BBW. In the same way, when I studied biochemistry, I learnt painstakingly the minutiae of the chemical reactions performed by both yeast and bacteria when they digest starch and sugars - however, now when I bake a sourdough loaf, or discuss how to do so, I don't refer to my lectures or textbooks on the subject.

There are also excellent articles about the procedures involved with both unicot and dilucot on coticule stones on this site. I still find discussion about personal experiences and variations with technique incredibly valuable here - and have never seen anyone picked up for discussing their results even if they do "appear elsewhere on this site".

However - I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that BBW is by no means a second-rate hone, I still find it easier to hone on than a coticule (my technique obviously), and also agree that it's a common western perception that more expensive = better which is not so in this case.


Actually,the only reason for mentioning that particular study,was because noone seemed to have noticed,neither mentioned it in the thread.

The BBW - and I never understood the name as it`s more purple- is highly underestimated. Still,like said earlier,it might simply be to cheap and readily available to be taken into consideration as a highly capable hone. But if I were the owner of a highly expensive 20.000 grit hone made by an artisan in the very outskirts of Himalaya,making a simple living by physically mining three hones a month,then labeling them as "Excotic","Premium" etc. and reselling them for a bunch of dollars..I`d also dislike the BBW ;-)

And now it`s out of thread.

To conclude: The BBW is an excellent hone if used correctly and any discution is offcourse very welcome.

The BBW - and I never understood the name as it`s more purple

I was talking about this to my little sister literally half an hour ago and she said the same thing, but I've always wondered that myself.

But, I think you need sometimes to know why a stone has certain characteristics so that you can better utilize it and the best way to do this is scientifically. And the way I look at it, is that the study needed to be done. No one needs to know the minuscule details, but if your looking at something like this for the first time thats what has to be done to find the best way to use it IMO.

This is what I love about the str8 shaving, if one hat doesn't fit you, you always have another thousand to try on until you find one you like, more fun that way as well. My technique favours the BBW, but I have a soft spot for the coti, feels like a rubix cube I pick up every once in a while to see if I can figure it out...

I haven't said it yet but great work on the report it was very well put together and to be honest was the reason I started using my BBW, I bought it before the report came out but, as with alot of people thought it was a second rate hone, now I love it.
It's a pretty interesting phenomenon that the BBW was/is so widely denounced that a report of that magnitude was even necessary for it to be taken seriously as a viable option. I'll be honest, I was shocked at how well the razors that I used shaved that were honed on the BBW. In fact, those two were so similarly spectacular that I "knew" they were the two BBW honed razors and the other was just "good enough to use". However, what's interesting is that while I felt similarly about the results of my honing (BBW=excellent in that study), the person who got them after me had severe irritation after the shaves while the coticule razor was perfect for his skin... I still don't understand it, but it's what happened.

Yes, I think the BBW study was excellent, and it was a lot of fun to work on and watch come together. I'd like to hear more conversation centering around them for the benefit of those who are on a seriously tight budget. :thumbup:
Arhh,sometimes I really wish English was my native tongue!

You are quite right Paul..Though I was not able to differentiate the BBW/coticule honed razors. To my surprise I seemed to preffer the BBW edge. So I`m constantly wondering why I never use the BBW side...hrmphhh.

I'm starting to really like BBW edges. I don't know why but those 50 spine leading X strokes make all the difference, doing them edge leading produces a completely difference edge.