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How to know when it's enough?

bbr6704 said:
Bravo Emmanuel! Glad to see some of you try to speak french! :thumbup:

So today I sahved with my Peroux-Cognet, my small & light razor... well it has imrpoved, it's quite a good shaver, but still not my best.

But i'm quite sure this doesn't come from it's edge, on not only. I'm not sure, but I'd say it comes from his weight : as it's lighter, I think I put too much pressure on the blade, witch causes me some little irritations...

But, I'll continue shavind with it, paying more attention to my technique (some areas are well shaved, soft and not burning, so it's possible!)

So I'm happy cause I think I'm near from dilucot : I don't master it yet, cause I had to push the finishing stage (maybie that means my dilution stage isn't that good (could be too fast?)), but with some extra time, it comes to a good result.

I hope that with some practice, it'll come to a better result... Even if I dont' mind : as far as I don't do mistakes, i don't care spending extre time on the hone (but my girlfriend may prefer i dilucot faster... ;) )

Tomorrow, I'll try again with my Peroux-Cognet and maybie with my Unicot Thiers-Issard... (both of them, maybie one side with one, the other side with the other, to compare results and sensations...)

I speak french Bertrand because my wife is Belgian.
C'est comme on dit << Dictionnaire oreiller>>
Best regards
I have to suggest you :Keep as possible low angle during shave.Another suggestion is to use The free honing service .I am glad to hone a razor for you.Of coarse you can choose another mate of the free honing service but i am sure that you will understand how should be the edge directly from coticule before stropping.
Best regards
@ Emmanuel : Très bien le "dictionnaire oreiller"... ;)

@ Laurent : I'm not sure about the grade of my HHT : I hold the hair and bring it to the edge approx 1cm to where I'm holding it. (I try not being closer, as the résults then improve drasticly). First, I could really fell the "catch & pop" of the HHT 3. Then I did more water strokes, and the catch was very light : I didn't feel it as strong as before, so I did more strokes, in order to reduce that "catch" : I can't say if I only get the pop of HHT 4, but I reached a stage where I get a very very low catch before hair pops... so the cut is very soft, and the hair is cut very clean, the severed parts jumps away, without sound on the edge (sound I get at the begining : low & very short violin sound just before haire cuts...)

To continue my "shaving tales" : This morning, I shaved with my "unicot TI" : I had a very good shave : close and confortable, except under my chin, where I had to insist...

But It's I think the razor I get my best shaves with!

I presume because of it's weight, I do lighter strokes, and It's doing fine.

But saddly, I made a bad move, so the edge touched the tap... :( So I've got a very little chip on the blade... I finished the shave with it, and it didn't hurt or shave worst, but tonight, I think I'll have to go bach to my coticule to take it of...

But I don't mind, It doesn't affect me much, as i know I'm getting every day closer to a good, clean, close and comfortable shave! :thumbup:
under my cin is a problem are if you shave with blade flat there you should see and feel the differance, i think thats more technique , as for hht i no what you mean, somtimes i get a nice tug and pop other times i get a soft gentle pop , ie much softer, i found both examples shave well. i'm not sure but i'm quite sure the grab and pop of hone is all you need. they sem to be my best shaves of dilucot. unicot i seem to get a more agressive pop of the hone and softer and more responsive. due to the angle and steeper second bevel.
I have benefited from the free honing service (Emmanuel was the happy honer), and I highly recommend this service to you Bertrand.
The edge was honed to a good HHT-4 on very thin hair and when you perform the HHT on this razor, you know without any doubt what HHT-4 means. Moreover you get also advice on how to improve your edge. So you gain a lot of training time because you are sure of what was wrong in your honing and become more confident. You know what to focus on.
To me an HHT-4 edge is all I need.



PS there is a very good shaving video (with good music also)
Hello Guys,

I've watched de video : Interesting! I've seen how light the strokes seem to be... and how the skin is stretched! Impressive : I don't stretch that much, so here's what i did this morning:

- I used my peroux-cognet.

- I stretched more than I used to do.

- I tried to be as light as I could.

And the result is clearly better, not perfect yet, but it's one of the best shave I ever had with this razor. :thumbup:

And I managed to get a close and non irritating shave on the sides and under my chin. It's still difficult right around the lips, I've got some thick resistant hairs there, but the good point is that I've got the feeling I learn new things at every shave!

So I now presume my edges are quite good, but my shaving technique as still to improve yet...

PS. @ Chti_lolo : I'm sure the free honing service is a good and vluable option, but I'm kind of stubborn, I wan't to do it myself... One day I guess I'll try to get this service, but I think I'm not ready yet... And as far as I know, that would mean I send my razor abroad, what doesen't make me confident (not 'bout the honing member, but 'bout the travel...)
bbr6704 said:
So I now presume my edges are quite good, but my shaving technique as still to improve yet...

Welcome to the club. :) You might read this and even talk to the real people, who experienced on their very own skin, what the hands of an expert - i.e. Gary - can do. :thumbup:

Just a word to say this morning was amazing!!!

I managed to do very light passes, stretching was good, and shave was so close and smooth!

Not perfect yet, but far better than a week ago!

That's really great!

Thank you all for your advices!
Hey, hello,

Here's something I tried late at night the other day : with a shave ready blade I have, I touched the sink one morking : nothing armfull, but a little "wave" (not a chip, if you see what I mean) : the razor was still shaving, not hars, but was making noise on leather... so I knew it had to go on hone...

I made a few strokes on slurry, to get a nice straight edge, then a little water... till water only... but couldn't get any HHT better than 1,5.

So, as it was late, I gave it some stroke on my "jean stropping piece", and have been able to reach a decent 2 to 3 HHT.

Then I did a few more strokes on water only, a HHT : got a good 3!

Then, you'll guess after a good stropping session, it was quite good, and the sahve did too...

But I'm wondering : is the way I did a good option to go faster, or a thing to better avoid?
If you dull gently a razor on a glass, you can get it to HHT-1 or more only with the linen. So you can go directly to water stage.
chti_lolo said:
If you dull gently a razor on a glass, you can get it to HHT-1 or more only with the linen. So you can go directly to water stage.

realy?!? Onlyu with linen? that's impressive!

wel in fact, I guess It can't be bad then...
beware this only works if the bevel is already flat otherwise it wont work. the purpose of dulling on glass is that you have to be working the very edge of the razor to get it shave armhair again. so if you have a razor that has been touched up with pastes this wont work(because of the convexity) and only lead to frustration because you will be polishing the cheeks and not the tip of the edge

kind regards
My purpose was just to show the efficiency of the linen. If you dull (gently) an already shave-ready razor on glass you can get it back to HHT-1 or more with the linen : you don't need paste or hone to go there. I'm sure it works with the coticule edge and I assume that's work also for a pasted edge.
But as Stijn said, if it is a convex edge created by a pasted strop you can't go the water stage of dilucot or unicot because the bevel is not flat.
I'm happy!

Yesterday, my first real success!!!

A week ago, my Girlfriend accidently made my Peroux Cognet fall (not from really high, approx 40cms), but enough to make a lot of little chips on the edge... I was so sad as the edge was getting near to perfect, xith successive shaves and stropping.

So I had to restart from zero : as there were chips, I dulled my razor, then I had a lot of work to do on coti+slurry to take them of (approx 2 hours, as I ain't got any faster stone)

So I did till my edge was clean.

Then, yesterday night, I "BbrXstrokesliamfinnegandilucoted" it : Don't know if you know this video :

I really like the way he does his strokes : the kind of circles on the beginning of the stroke, that brings slurry, and that i find useful on a small to medium stone, as this keeps it wet.

So here the receipe I used : as I has a sharp cutting arm's hair, I did slurry, and made 10 dilution of 20 strokes.

Then, as I didn't find my slurry good, I rinced the stone, the bout and the blade, made a new slurry, a bit lighter than the first, and did another 10 dilutions series, 20 strokes each.

I did HHT, not conviced it could work, just to see… and HHT 2!!! :lol:

So, to finish, I did a “power touch up” : 30 strokes on very light slurry, 60 on water only, another 30 on water only, HHT, and I got one of my best HHT 3 out of the stone, amazing 4 after stropping, and a good shave this morning! (my razor is a bit aggressive, but I know after a few shaves and stropping, it will be perfect…) :thumbup:
Sounds like you did well :)

How ever I do think that you did 2 sets of honing too many, when your first lot of slurry became "no good" It was probably time for you to start finishing on water, from there the hht is my indication of where to go

Also 20 x strokes are a lot less effective than 15 half strokes, maybe you could try that next time?

All of that aside the result is what counts :) so as I said great work Sir.

Ralfson (Dr)
Thanx Doctor!

I know that half strokes should be more effective than x-strokes, but don't felle comfortable nor confident with them...

I should try again on another blade, but as I now feel right with halfstrokes, I consider that a good method, that works and I feel confident with is enough for me...

And as you say, "the resuls is what counts".

To be continued... ;)
bbr6704 said:
I'm happy!

Yesterday, my first real success!!!

A week ago, my Girlfriend accidently made my Peroux Cognet fall (not from really high, approx 40cms), but enough to make a lot of little chips on the edge... I was so sad as the edge was getting near to perfect, xith successive shaves and stropping.

So I had to restart from zero : as there were chips, I dulled my razor, then I had a lot of work to do on coti+slurry to take them of (approx 2 hours, as I ain't got any faster stone)

So I did till my edge was clean.

Then, yesterday night, I "BbrXstrokesliamfinnegandilucoted" it : Don't know if you know this video :

I really like the way he does his strokes : the kind of circles on the beginning of the stroke, that brings slurry, and that i find useful on a small to medium stone, as this keeps it wet.

So here the receipe I used : as I has a sharp cutting arm's hair, I did slurry, and made 10 dilution of 20 strokes.

Then, as I didn't find my slurry good, I rinced the stone, the bout and the blade, made a new slurry, a bit lighter than the first, and did another 10 dilutions series, 20 strokes each.

I did HHT, not conviced it could work, just to see… and HHT 2!!! :lol:

So, to finish, I did a “power touch up” : 30 strokes on very light slurry, 60 on water only, another 30 on water only, HHT, and I got one of my best HHT 3 out of the stone, amazing 4 after stropping, and a good shave this morning! (my razor is a bit aggressive, but I know after a few shaves and stropping, it will be perfect…) :thumbup:

Bertrand .No matter how achieve a good result.My method is a little bit different.
Ralfy well advise but is personal issue how somebody approaches a process enough to supported by an orthodox logic.
But ......i have to warn you about something:you will not have all subsequent times the same good result, although it applies the exactly same tactics and I say that because the factors are many,
starting from the razor until your mood.However as the time elapsed the bad days will be increasingly less.But know well done :thumbup:
Best regards