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I hope this is La Veinette....


Well-Known Member
These are the images I have.I basically traded my 200x75 which was a good stone for it. I have not received stone yet but here is the description." a beautiful pink 60x200mm select combination coticule, 21-22mm thick. I've now lapped/evaluated this stone and can report it to be a hard and 'whisky' feeling stone, which will leave a 'lively' edge that's best for those poor souls whom have the thickest and densest beards. It is pretty fast on slurry and very slow on water (but not the slowest class), taking a long time to darken plain water alone."
Beautifull coticult ,she looks like an ancient Greek marble of mountain Parnes.
Best regards
I hope so too. That stone is very easy to pull an edge from so I would like to see how well it serves you.Don't lap it just hone when it arrives.
yeah I don't plan on using it. I wonder what slurry stone I should use with it. I have a latneuses small slurry stone and a normal (don't know the layer) slurry stone. On a side note, I had one of my best, closest and most comfortable shave ever last night. I'm really loving that little 5/8 Boker King Cutter I got a few weeks back. I did a two pass shave and was left with wonderful results!
I would use which ever is harder of the slurry stones.(excuding hybrid side). That way you are using more slurry from the stone itself.
Thanks! That's what I thought!

I have so many things coming my way! A coticule, a new watch, strop, strop pastes. Got to love those big fat cheques from Revenue Canada :p and my tuition credits! :p
Hahah I'm not putting anyting on my kanayama or TM latigo. I ordered some Dovo White to put on some linen strop I have laying around.